Chaplain: A sailor in the Ocean
Sep 6, 2023
For me, CPE was one simple thing- a boat in a big ocean. This image was in my mind when I entered a room of an elderly woman who was immensely proud to be a sailor for the US Navy. She was struggling with loneliness at the hospital, and I had a beautiful conversation with her. I planned to chat for five minutes, and I ended up spending almost fifty minutes with her because she felt so lonely.
Seasons and Becoming
Sep 1, 2023
Dr. Gregory Ellison, a professor of pastoral care and counseling at Emory University (with the words of Luther Sim), penned a poem entitled Canyons in Me. why question who I become? a canyon of lives span in me. having their wisdom, having their diversity, having their years, is how my life is Grand.
Reflection on New Outcomes and Indicators
Aug 27, 2023
When the Eastern Area CoP met before the new Outcomes and Indicators (O&I) release, there was a lot of buzz! The buzz ranged from “We’ve just been through new Standards! It’s too much!!” to “Can’t we just ditch the DoE?” to “It’s about time! Those Outcomes are awful.”
Accreditation Updates
Aug 25, 2023
As many of us have or will soon be wrapping up our summer units, accreditation is still remarkably busy! In addition to the regular work of site visits, we are actively engaged in continuing to refine the various changes that we are making. We are making good progress in addressing the compliance report of the USDE and I hope that this update will provide you with additional needed information.
Holy Moments
Aug 21, 2023
I stare off deep into the void that lays before me I can't quite make out what comes next Or what might be coming for me. As I prepare to take the next step That will carry me into the unknown I replay a thousand moments in my mind Moments of fear and trembling Moments of power and strength And I am reminded of so many things
Want to get more involved in ACPE? Looking for Leadership Development Opportunities? Submit a Nomination TODAY!
Aug 20, 2023
The Leadership Development Committee (LDC) invites you to consider serving in one of the open leadership positions in 2024. Nominations are open now for ACPE’s fall election. The deadline to submit a nomination is September 22, 2023.
Beginning Your Residency: Practical Tips from an Anti-Bias Perspective
Aug 14, 2023
Wherever you are in the residency year, ACPE’s anti-bias working group would like to offer a few invitations. Consider using what you know will work but also consider using what you wonder about, what you’re less confident will work but might enrich your practice toward integrating anti-bias pedagogies.
I Was Wrong about the ACPE SIP Training
Aug 14, 2023
I Was Wrong about the ACPE SIP Training. I signed up for ACPE’s Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy training as a long-time pastoral psychotherapist who thought: “I will likely know whatever they share, but I could use the CE hours and it won’t tax my brain too much.”
Professional Ethics Edification
Aug 7, 2023
Once a month the ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a section of our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members. Each posting is accompanied by a brief personal reflection from a PEC member sharing some ways this person has experienced the referenced code section*. August’s statements are:
Outcomes and Indicators Implementation Cohorts
Aug 7, 2023
This summer, 14 programs piloted the revised Outcomes and Indicators in their summer units and as part of the pilot, the programs met on a weekly basis for consultation and found it to be very helpful. Building on this, as additional educators begin to utilize the revised Outcomes and Indicators in their programs, ACPE wants to provide opportunities for collegial engagement and consultation for many more folks and the opportunity to share resources and ideas.
Decades of mentorship help CPE educator create new community
Aug 7, 2023
I walked towards the back pew of the church on Mother’s Day alone. Then, to my surprise, one of my former chaplain interns from five years ago waved and motioned me to sit with her family. Sliding closer together, they made room for me. She shared her joys and sorrows, including her bittersweet pride over her newly graduated daughter’s college plans. When she later posted about her Mother’s Day on social media, she wrote, “And the icing on the cake was running into my mentor who just so happened to be visiting our church.”
Outcomes, Address Change, and Announcements
Aug 7, 2023
There was some wisdom I appreciated from the psychiatrist and writer Jorge Bucay that comes to mind in times such as these where there is so much tumult and hurt domestically and globally. I must discipline myself to step away from my iPhone, take a break from the news, take a walk, and find perspective. The perspective I appreciated from Jorge Bucay is “Bad stuff won’t last forever…keep pushing” and “Good stuff won’t last forever…enjoy the moment.”
Supporting Justice, Equity, and Inclusion: ACPE's Summer Highlights and Initiatives
Jul 31, 2023
I hope that you have had a wonderful summer so far. If you have not had the chance to attend a reunion or take vacation, I hope you will soon. The work that we do is so meaningful, and summer can be one of the busiest times of the year. Remember that July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month.
Midwifery to the Mourning
Jul 24, 2023
Touching wet cloth to their mouths— A refreshing reprieve as their souls cry out, Thirsting for the Divine Or maybe their dad, child, or wife. It all feels the same oftentimes.
Reflections from the Interim Executive Director
Jul 24, 2023
I have just returned from the funeral of my 94-year-old aunt, my father’s eldest living sister. While there, news came that my uncle, who was 88 years old, had died. It seems my family has been in a season of grief and loss for a long time.
Uniting Through Common Concepts: Updates and Initiatives within ACPE
Jul 3, 2023
This column comes to you as we celebrate July 4th across the United States of America. Recently it seems there is so much that divides us and less that unites us. Regardless, there are times like July 4th where we celebrate common concepts that people have certain Inalienable Rights including Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness. All people are created equal; Individuals have a civic duty to defend these rights for themselves and others.
Professional Ethics Edification
Jul 3, 2023
Once a month the ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a section of our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members. Each posting is accompanied by a brief personal reflection from a PEC member sharing some ways this person has experienced the referenced code section*. July’s statements are:
Embracing the Tapestry of Celebrations: July 4th, Juneteenth, and Pride
Jul 3, 2023
I didn’t grow up in the United States and didn’t know about the July 4th holiday until I moved here in my early twenties. I learned that the holiday celebrates freedom from British tyranny, an uncomfortable invitation to deepen my knowledge of British imperialism. At the same time, celebrating this holiday is one of the things that helped me connect with the country that has become my home. As a young adult and then as a parent with children of my own, attending July 4th parties and fireworks displays became part of the annual cycle of the passing years.
Your gifts make a difference!
Jun 25, 2023
This has been an exciting season for the Foundation! After years of prudent financial stewardship and investments, the Foundation can make up to $300,000 available for innovative programs and projects which will helps us to impactfully advance justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in ACPE and to support future spiritual care providers, educators, and psychotherapists from underrepresented communities. Below, I would like to highlight two recent initiatives funded because of your contributions to the Foundation for ACPE.
Sacred Listening: Reflections on the ACPE Annual Conference
Jun 18, 2023
We communed at the 2023 ACPE Annual Conference after years of COVID keeping us at a distance. Despite all the excitement, deep sorrow and pain pervaded our time together. This year we made significant changes to our learning outcomes, evaluated Certification, and wondered about the future of ACPE. The grief many of us felt at the conference is a heavy burden affecting our ability to connect with others and see beyond our experiences. When working to become an anti-bias organization, grief can dim our vision and makes it difficult to recognize, trust, and learn from the authentic experiences of others.