Spirituality Matters
Jul 15, 2022
One of the less visible parts of my role as executive director of ACPE is to respond to senior executives in many of the centers we accredit or where psychotherapists practice. Their questions can be complex, and they often distill down to a pretty simple question: why should we pay for someone to provide spiritual care here?
Community of Practice 2023 Funding Request Process Open Now through August 1st
Jul 11, 2022
It’s that time of year again…time to submit your CoP’s budget and funding request to the Professional Well-Being Committee. We are excited to see 2023 bringing us all back together after such a long pause.
We must weave our wisdom together in a tapestry reflecting who and what we are today
Jul 2, 2022
As we wake up to the news of more deaths and violence during these challenging and painful days, I think about you and what you hold. The listening and presence you provide are the sources of healing. Holding tension and mystery is challenging when we carry our own grief.
For your professional ethics edification in July
Jun 29, 2022
Once a month the ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a couple of statements from our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members. Each posting is accompanied by a brief personal reflection from a member of the PEC discussing some ways this person lives these commitments
En Conjunto: The Journey of Belonging
Jun 29, 2022
As we take time off (hopefully) to celebrate the 4th of July, our task force was invited to reflect on our gleanings as we have engaged in anti-bias work regarding language and immigration. Reflecting on our experience of living in the United States as immigrants in general, and as ACPE Certified Educators in particular, we acknowledge our desire to belong. The diverse histories of immigrants, which make up the American identity, invite us to engage with our own stories that brought us to this country.
COVID-19 on CPE Project Grant Report
Jun 24, 2022
In 2020, the Foundation for ACPE in partnership with the ACPE Research Committee launched the Research Grants Initiative and funded two research projects: one that explored the relationship between CPE and Emotional Intelligence ($54,987), and the other that examined the Impact of Covid-19 on CPE ($18,883).
Juneteenth Reflection
Jun 24, 2022
This year Juneteenth hit different. My first celebration since the pandemic shut everything down. My first celebration after the beginning of the worldwide Black Lives Matter protests. Here are some of my reflections. Juneteenth is bittersweet for me For it is both celebration and lament
A Blessing for Finding Healing and Hope
Jun 17, 2022
Elizabeth Smith-Bartlett, M.Div., M.S., is a second year chaplain resident at VCU Health in Richmond, VA. She serves as the unit chaplain to the medical respiratory intensive care unit and the medical intermediate/intensive care unit, which have been the primary Covid-19 ICUs since the start of the pandemic. Prior to VCU, Elizabeth completed additional CPE units in Ft. Worth, TX, and New Haven, CT. She is ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and has served congregations in Connecticut and New York.
What in the world does Juneteenth have to do with ACPE?
Jun 17, 2022
Juneteenth, a nationally recognized federal holiday, is celebrated on June 19. Juneteenth is a celebratory moment that has transcended into a movement for emancipation, liberation, and self-actualization of African Americans in the United States of America. On June 19, 1865, federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas. They had to physically force racist white enslavers to stop enslaving Black persons and ignoring or refusing to honor President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, which outlawed the enslavement of Black bodies and went into effect six months earlier on January 1, 1863.
Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer
Jun 17, 2022
In so many ways, I feel fortunate to listen to twenty-somethings wonder what ever happened to summer. They reflect on the days just a few short years in their past when school stopped for a while, where they filled their days with play, camps, sleep, and long hours with friends. Some of them worked summer jobs, and some worked more than one. But as I heard one of them recently ask, what happened to the pause, the slow down, the break?
Rev. Dr. Danielle J. Buhuro is the new ACPE Co-Editor for Reflective Practice
Jun 10, 2022
The Editorial Board is pleased to announce our new ACPE Co-Editor, Rev. Dr. Danielle J. Buhuro, working alongside the Rev. Dr. Matthew Floding, ATFE Co-Editor. Rev. Dr. Buhuro and the Rev. Dr. Floding bring years of supervisory training as well as connections to a wide variety of practitioners in the field of supervised spiritual care. Each is excited to join the process of producing high quality writing and reflecting on this work.
Resistance, Curiosity, and Integration: Spiritual Formation and Identity Integration
Jun 10, 2022
We are a special subgroup formed to take a special look at where bias around gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity impact our ACPE Community. We are looking at how our language, experiences, and learned stories impact the ethics, certification, and accreditation processes. Over the next several months we will continue to listen to your stories and comply data to get a clearer picture of how gender and sexuality biases affect our community members.
Almost Mid-Year (Almost)
Jun 10, 2022
Lets take this moment to reflect A moment of light introspect Here we are, nearing the middle of this year Not calendar year, but an academic year
Want to get more involved in ACPE? Looking for Leadership Development Opportunities? Submit a Nomination TODAY!
Jun 10, 2022
The Leadership Development Committee (LDC) invites you to consider serving in one of the open leadership positions in 2023. Nominations are open now for ACPE’s fall election. The deadline to submit a nomination is September 23, 2022.
WOE!! and JOY
Jun 2, 2022
“Weeping may spend the night”, says the Psalmist, “but joy comes in the morning.” I guess there’s truth in that; the Bible’s Proverbs say that there is a season for everything— in its poetic way, it announces a time for this and a time for that: a time to weep and a time to laugh, and so on.
Asian American Pacific Islander Community of Practice Update
Jun 2, 2022
Violence against Asian American Pacific Islanders (AAPI) spiked when the pandemic began with nearly 11,000 hate incidents against Asian Americans recorded from March 2020 to December 2021[i]. In March 2021, six Asian women were killed in Atlanta. A couple of months later at our ACPE Annual Conference, little acknowledgment of this violence, and the experiences of its AAPI members was made. In June 2021, a few ACPE AAPI Certified Educators formed the AAPI Community of Practice.
Listening and Reflecting: Process Improvement
Jun 2, 2022
As we wake up to the news of more deaths and violence during these challenging and painful days, I think about you and what you hold. The listening and presence you provide are the sources of healing. Holding tension and mystery is challenging when we carry our own grief.
Jun 1, 2022
Transitions are unavoidable. How we navigate those transitions, however, is often within our scope of management.
For your professional ethics edification in June
May 30, 2022
Once a month the ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a couple of statements from our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members. Each posting is accompanied by a brief personal reflection from a member of the PEC discussing some ways this person lives these commitments
A Prayer for Uvalde
May 27, 2022
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer. Children. Too many children. Your children. All of them. Each one. Lord, sometimes it is too much to bear, And yet we come to you in our grief, in our anger, In our shock, in our weeping, To do that very thing, To ask you to help us bear that which is unbearable.