Religious, Spiritual & Values-Based Diversity in CPE: Join us on Sept. 16 for a Resource Room on this topic!

Written by Jo Hirschmann, on behalf of the Religion & Values Task Force and the Curriculum Committee

Filed under: News

Jo looking at the camera smilingIn March of this year, the Religion & Values Task Force of the ACPE’s Anti-Bias Work Group posted an article in this Monday newsletter that asked these questions:

  • What are the gaps in my religio-spiritual-values competence?
  • What do I need to learn so I can better meet the needs of students from traditions and communities different from mine?  
  • How do my basic assumptions (which I may refer to as my theology or my spiritual worldview) limit my ability to recruit, support, and teach diverse groups of students?
This coming Friday, September 16, please join us for a 90-minute Resource Room to explore how we can deepen our work with students – and, by extension, with patients – from outside Christian and theistic traditions.

This is an important element of our organization’s overall anti-racism and anti-bias work.  CPE grew out of theological and pedagogical frameworks developed by people who were predominantly white Protestants.  Over the decades, CPE and the ACPE have diversified and expanded to teach, certify, and be changed by Catholics, Christians from Black Churches, Evangelical Christians, practitioners of Indigenous, earth-based, and African diaspora traditions, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, humanists, and others beyond mainline and largely white Protestant denominations.  This Resource Room will highlight some of these voices and this work.

  • Carlos Alejandro, Ben Iten, and Michelle Oberwise Lacock – speaking from African diaspora, humanist, and Native American traditions – will talk about their experiences of hiddenness in CPE.
  • Jawad Bayat, Amelia Catone, and Beth Naditch will describe how their curricula meet the needs of diverse students, including those who are non-Christian and non-theistic.
  • We’ll have ample time for discussion and exchange.  Bring your questions and best practices to this exploration of curriculum and pedagogy.

Jo Hirschmann, on behalf of the Religion & Values Task Force and the Curriculum Committee