Advertise with ACPE
Thank you for your interest in advertising with us! We are happy to offer you an opportunity to place an ad on our website.
ACPE has about 2,500 members nationally and internationally. Our subscribers include: persons interested in pastoral care, spiritual care, and assessment; pastoral counselors; chaplains; theological students seeking Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE); clergy seeking specialized skills through CPE; CPE Educators/Supervisors; ACPE Members and Spiritual Care Professionals; professors of pastoral care, counseling, pastoral theology, field education, psychology, and religion; and denomination and faith group representatives.
Sizes & Costs
ACPE offers two types of web postings – Standard Ads and Display Ads. Both types of ads will run on the ACPE website for a period of four weeks.
Standard Ads
- Standards Ads consist of text only; no graphics. Color copy is accepted.
- The cost is $0.15 per character not counting spaces. You can find your character count by running a word count in Microsoft Word.
Display Ads
- Display Ads must be sized 900Wx500H pixels as a PDF or JPEG
- Display Ads may contain graphics and color.
- Display Ads must be submitted to size and file specifications
- All Display Ads cost $175.00
Submission & Billing