Continuing the Good Work
Oct 25, 2021
The season of giving is approaching as we prepare for Giving Tuesday, November 30, 2021. The importance of giving to this organization was made apparent to me when I was in supervisory education. I attended my first REM conference and was made aware of the seminal work in place to address disparities in the ACPE and thusly our professions. Some of the initiatives that played a large role for me included financial support for students to attend ACPE’s national meetings, as well as consultations for students of color in the certification process.
An Update of the ACPE-APC Implementation Process
Oct 20, 2021
In September, the four workgroups of the Implementation Process met with the Steering Committee to clarify roles, tasks, and next steps.
2021 ACPE Election: Vote Today! Polls close at Noon Eastern on November 3
Oct 18, 2021
The Leadership Development Committee (LDC) received a robust response to our call for nominations earlier this year. Our committee prioritized diversity, association needs, and member’s professional development in our work to create the proposed slate.
The Value of Integrated Spiritual Care
Oct 15, 2021
Since the latest COVID-19 surge, I’ve noticed a pattern in the way conversations or meetings often begin. Someone will ask, “So how is everyone doing?” The responses often include, “You know….” “I’m here.” “Whew.” Sometimes it’s not even words: “Nnnngth.” “Mmmmph.”
ACPE SIP Research Project Begins Data Collection
Oct 8, 2021
ACPE’s Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy (SIP) Program has begun data collection in its first research project. This research is an important part of discerning the value of the ACPE SIP training and establishing its credibility in the world of psychotherapy.
Integration and Disintegration
Oct 8, 2021
In the process of becoming a Certified Educator, integration is valued above most else. Is there congruence between who you say you are and how others experience you? Between your theoretical foundations and your practice of spiritual care and education? Is your sense of self coherent enough and big enough to withstand ambiguity, and to make space for the unexpected that arises from within or without? Leaning on the integrity at its root, do we approach the world with both honesty and a sense of our wholeness? The process and principle of integration is so central to our work, it is difficult to imagine it might be otherwise.
For your professional ethics edification in October
Oct 4, 2021
Once a month the ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a couple of statements from our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members. Each posting is accompanied by a brief personal reflection from a member of the PEC discussing some ways this person lives these commitments
Continuing the Work of the Association
Oct 4, 2021
I want to thank the volunteers who accomplish the work of our Association on a week-to-week, month-to-month and year-to-year basis. Our Leadership Development Committee works to bring persons together from all represented communities in our Association, with particular attention to underrepresented groups.
Reflections from a SIP Training
Oct 1, 2021
I am a senior pastoral counselor and Coordinator of the Turner Ministry Resource Center at the Pastoral Institute in Columbus, Georgia. I have been a therapist for 36 years and was a Diplomate in AAPC.
The George Washington Institute for Spirituality & Health Honors Trace Haythorn with the Award for Excellence in Interprofessional Spiritual Care!
Sep 24, 2021
Since 2001, The George Washington University Institute for Spirituality & Health (GWish) has been dedicated to creating a new model of global healthcare that recognizes spiritual health as an essential domain of patient-centered care.
Sep 15, 2021
Summer 2004 I was ordained as a minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA). I remember that time as a time of celebration, awe, and inspiration. I felt overwhelmed in many ways. It was a sacred time in which I experienced the amazing support of my family, friends, and church community. I know that a lot of meaningful and loving words were said that day. However, I only remember one thing, one statement made by my pastor and mentor, the person who preached that Pentecost Sunday afternoon… Miguel, he said, “Don’t take yourself too seriously.” Frank’s statement caught me off guard and I wasn’t sure what he meant. Perhaps, that’s one of the reasons it is the only thing I remember from all the wonderful things that were said that day… Thank goodness for CPE that has helped me see and understand more of what I needed and still need to hear from those words!
Navigating the Cracks in our Mutual, Rapidly Changing Path
Sep 15, 2021
Last week, I went for a run early one morning. I’ve been running this route for almost 14 years, and I feel like I can almost complete the run with my eyes closed. Of course, it is when we get too comfortable that we can trip – figuratively and literally. With all of the rain we’ve had in our area, the sidewalk had buckled, creating a new crack, and I didn’t see it. Ouch.
Thinking Creatively to Provide Sustenance
Sep 13, 2021
As a very part-time contract worker in a local community hospital, I was surprised when I walked into the hospital last week and discovered a new wall had gone up blocking half of the hospital lobby. It turns out that “extra” lobby space had been partitioned off to make room for 12 additional ED beds.
For your professional ethics edification in September
Sep 8, 2021
Once a month the ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a couple of statements from our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members. Each posting is accompanied by a brief personal reflection from a member of the PEC discussing some ways this person lives these commitments
I’ve Got Plenty to be Thankful For
Sep 3, 2021
I find it difficult to believe September has already arrived. The relentless pandemic stifled our optimism for a relaxing summer more than the intense heat. Unfortunately, COVID has continued to consume much of our energy and attention this year. As autumn approaches, I pray for a reprieve from the pandemic and scorching temperatures. We have risen to unfathomable challenges over the last 18 months to continue caring for our patients, staff, and students. Like you, ACPE had adapted and continued its work to provide and advocate for professional spiritual care and education. I am proud of the work we have accomplished during these trying times.
Implementation Workgroup Election Results
Aug 30, 2021
After two weeks, the polls closed on August 25th for the election of ACPE’s representatives to the Implementation Workgroup. I am grateful to 654 members who took the time to consider the ballot and vote. Out of 1714 eligible voters, we achieved about a 38% participation rate which is consistent with our voter turnout the last couple of elections.
ACPE and APC will host the 2022 Joint Annual Conference virtually
Aug 27, 2021
While scouting locations and reviewing hotel contract proposals for the Joint 2022 Annual Conference with APC, the joint planning committee grew concerned about the safety, cost, and logistics of hosting an in-person event this spring. With a deep sense of sadness, the committee recommended to the board that we host the 2022 Joint Annual Conference virtually.
Born of the Cracks
Aug 26, 2021
For my unit project during the last unit of CPE in my residency, I engaged in one of the most healing pieces of writing I have ever produced. To further integrate my past trauma, I wrote a series of short thank you letters. These letters were written to people who influenced me and shaped me in both positive and negative ways during past seasons of my life, including my younger self at different ages. Finally, when I finished the letters for a season, I wrote a poem to creatively reframe that period of my life. Born of the Cracks was inspired by my experiences between the ages of sixteen to nineteen when I was deeply broken, beginning to see the possibility of healing, and trying to make sense of traumas both new and old.
ACPE Annual Elections happening this Fall
Aug 25, 2021
The Leadership Development Committee (LDC) would like to share the open positions for ACPE’s annual elections.
Foundation for ACPE Grants Cycle is Now Open!
Aug 20, 2021
The 2021 Foundation for ACPE Grants Cycle is now open! Interested applicants are invited to submit a Letter of Inquiry for an Innovative Program Award or MAP Fund Award.