I am #ACPEproud
Aug 6, 2021
Last week was a bright spot amid challenging times. We celebrated #ACPEproud week, honoring the work of our colleagues across the country, celebrating accomplishments and transitions, and remembering those who have died. Though we could not gather in person, in our usual ways, a series of videos and a social media campaign gave many of us the opportunity to recognize and give thanks for our colleagues in ACPE.
A New Day Dawns
Aug 5, 2021
A reflection and celebration of the official gathering of the AAPI Community of Practice.
As Busy as a Summer Bee
Aug 2, 2021
The summer has flown by quickly. For many of us, we will soon be saying goodbye to our Summer CPE Group, our Residents soon after, and then welcoming new folk to fill their shoes. I think of the summer intensive unit as filled with the longest days, while the weeks seem to whizz by in the commotion.
For your professional ethics edification in August
Jul 28, 2021
Once a month the ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a couple of statements from our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members. Each posting is accompanied by a brief personal reflection from a member of the PEC discussing some ways this person lives these commitments
A Chaplain's Confession
Jul 28, 2021
David Chacko is a Summer 2021 CPE Intern at CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Health System, San Antonio, TX. He attends Assumption Seminary as a seminarian for the Archdiocese of San Antonio and is studying at Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX. He wrote this poem at the midpoint of his Summer CPE experience.
Implementation Workgroup Election
Jul 23, 2021
Colleagues, we are blessed. Our association is full of talented and passionate members. The Leadership Development Committee (LDC) received a great response to our call to serve on the Implementation Workgroup. Regardless of the election outcome, ACPE will be well represented in our continued conversations with APC.
Thank You Retired (and Retiring) ACPE Members!
Jul 23, 2021
As we quickly approach #ACPEproud week, (August 3-5, 2021) the Foundation for ACPE would like to recognize all of our retired members. The Foundation for ACPE is the legacy of trailblazing ACPE members who responded to the need for nurturing spiritual care professionals for generations to come. Over the years, many retired members have contributed donations to our endowment. We continue to reap the benefits of those gifts today. Income from our endowment has helped us to not only provide continuing education through the Glaz-Plummer plenaries, but has also given us much needed financial support to navigate the economic volatility caused by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, and other tumultuous events.
2021 Annual Member Meeting
Jul 21, 2021
Per our bylaws, an annual meeting of the members shall be held on the Members Annual Meeting Date established by the Board of Directors. ACPE will host the 2021 Annual Member Meeting via Zoom on August 19, 2021 at 3:00pm eastern. Registration opens on July 26th.
A Time of Rest
Jul 14, 2021
This year marks my eighth year with ACPE. While it goes without saying, there really hasn’t been a pause since I arrived. We have seen major changes to our organizational structure, to certification, and to accreditation. We consolidated with AAPC and launched the Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy certification. We have endured the COVID-19 pandemic, responded to the call to dismantle white supremacy and address racial injustice, and explored a potential merger with APC. We have seen new associations rise, new international relationships form, and new contexts become possibilities for programs. As the NPR show says so well, “It’s been a minute.”
Summer Learning
Jul 9, 2021
One of the distinct pleasures I’ve had this summer has been watching my five-and-a-half-year-old daughter learning to swim. I’ve been a swimmer and a water lover my whole life, and so my heart feels warmed by her growing skills and confidence in the water.
#ACPEproud 2021
Jul 7, 2021
#ACPEproud, August 3-5, 2021, is a celebration and advocacy event to encourage support of the spiritual care community. Limited edition merchandise now available!
For your professional ethics edification in July
Jul 7, 2021
Once a month the ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a couple of statements from our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members. Each posting is accompanied by a brief personal reflection from a member of the PEC discussing some ways this person lives these commitments
The Curriculum Resource Room opens July 23
Jul 7, 2021
Moral Distress arises when a person feels constrained from taking what they believe is a correct moral action. Moral Injury may be described as a more extreme form of distress when one acts, witnesses or fails to prevent actions that transgress one’s moral standards. Of course, it is more complicated than simple definition permits. Spiritual caregivers are not immune to moral injury or distress, and yet are often in a position to encounter the morally distressed. We all have heard or seen examples arising during the Covid 19 pandemic.
Trust the Process
Jul 6, 2021
Life is filled with opportunities for adventure, and fraught with expectations that do not always come to fruition. Sometimes our expectations pale in the light of the actual experience. Some of us will remember ACPE’s 2005 Annual Conference in Hawaii. In anticipation of that experience and as a gift to celebrate my recognition as a fully certified ACPE Educator, my husband and I decided to become Certified Scuba Divers to take advantage of the opportunity to dive in a magnificent environment. We grew up watching Jacques Cousteau’s adventurous exploration of the sea on educational TV programs. Although I wanted to dive, I had negative expectations and self-doubts. While I knew I could swim, I did not have confidence in my swimming abilities. So, my expectations included hard work and hard swimming. My expectation proved to be wrong. I imagined I would always hear myself breathing through the regulator. That too was an error.
Important ACPE-APC Merger Process Update
Jun 25, 2021
During our legal due diligence process, our attorneys advised us that we could not proceed with our published timeline. According to Illinois state law, where APC is incorporated, any membership vote must include the proposed bylaws and governance structure.
Responsive Reading for Pride Month
Jun 25, 2021
ACPE CPE students Katie Hoyer and Rabbi Joshua Ackerman co-authored a responsive reading for Mary Washington Hospital's Pride Month flag-raising, the first event of its kind at the hospital in Fredericksburg, VA.
The Foundation’s Support of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Jun 23, 2021
This year’s annual conference themed “Creating Room to Breathe” challenged all of us to reflect how we as an organization and as individual members can commit to anti-racist practices.
A Transformational Period of Discernment
Jun 15, 2021
Over the past several months, the ACPE board has been communicating about a possible merger with the Association of Professional Chaplains (APC). For some members, this has been a conversation that dates back to the 1980s. For others, this is a new idea that has raised important questions. Every week since March 18, 2021, when the Board of Directors approved a motion to bring the vote to merge to the membership, we have worked to provide videos, Q & As, town halls, and meetings with CoPs to address questions, concerns, hopes, and curiosities about what this will mean.
Return to…Normal?
Jun 14, 2021
A couple weeks ago I had the chance to spend a few days at the beach with my family. It was a welcome break, and I remembered how important it can be to step away from the regular, daily demands of work and home, and make space for rest and creativity.
Centering Peace Education (CPE)
Jun 8, 2021
Shawn Moore Israel is a chaplain who serves with The International Fellowship of Chaplains, Kairos Prison Ministry, Indy Vineyard Missional Food Pantry&Racial Reconciliation Ministry, and Ascent 121. She finished her first unit of CPE at Ascension St. Vincent Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana- April 2021. Shawn can be reached at