Disorienting Dilemma #3: Still Logan

When we first met, from the distance
I saw Logan the Poet

peeking through
the curtains of human life
beckoning me to stop, slow down, linger
long enough
to see the shades of being human
in the mirror of his own becoming

Then it all started, and coming closer,
I saw Logan the Viking,

a great and terrible Warrior
ready to draw the sword
and not hesitate to use it too
while all along (God knows!)
I longed
for a Father.

Later still, with the screen of projections now thinner,
I saw Logan the Fearless Explorer of the Underworld

dropping down
into the wells of human soul
(way deeper I’d been before!)
bringing out of that dark, scary mine
the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh
for my slow learning
Oh, the sad irony! – he kept giving those gifts to me
But I kept pushing his hand away
Daring only to admire
Back then, it felt safer to make him the Guardian of Treasures.

It’s been almost two years now
when we sat together in that dim office
always at a distance
steeped in memories, dreams, reflections

But I wake up today
in that fleeing moment of darkness,
when cicadas have gone to bed, but birds are still sleeping
and only plants are silently stretching their hairy arms to the promise of the rising sun

—and lo!
I see Logan once more
Sits before me an old man in all his homeliness:
a fellow traveler through Impermanence, and a co-journeyer for all Eternity.

Natalia A. Shulgina is an Educator Candidate at UNC Rex Healthcare in Raleigh, NC. She is an ordained elder in the Russia United Methodist Church and a Lay Cistercian oblate at the Abbey of Gethsemani in Trappist, KY. Natalia holds a Ph.D. from Emory University in Atlanta, GA, with special concentration in pastoral care, practical theology, and monastic spirituality. She can be reached at Natalia.Shulgina@unchealth.unc.edu.