Thank you, ACPE Members

Written by Melissa Walker-Luckett

Melissa smiling at camera

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I am aware that the past year has included many personal, public, and organizational losses for many of us. And still, I have much for which to give thanks. I am grateful for you, the members of our association. So many of you devote your unwavering engagement nationally, locally, and within your web of acquaintances and interests. Thank you for your energy and commitment.

I encourage us all to continue to be involved in the association by voting in this year’s ACPE election. We have a talented slate because you, our members, give so much of your time and energy. Polls close at noon eastern on November 3. Please cast your vote today.

I also appreciate how you enrich my life at our various meetings and conferences. Please consider submitting a workshop application for next year’s joint conference. The theme for 2022 is “Freedom, Wonder, and Liberation: Anti-Bias Practices of Spiritual Care and Education.” Tell us about your work and how you are changing the lives of your students, clients, and workplaces with work toward greater Justice, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion. We can and need to learn from one another.

The board and I hope you will continue asking questions and providing feedback about the ACPE-APC Implementation Process. Hopefully, you saw the update a couple of weeks ago in the ACPE news. The steering committee will continually update the memberships as the workgroups prepare draft bylaws, governance models, membership categories, staffing requirements, and name options to present on December 15. When we present the models, you will have a couple of months to respond to study documents and attend town halls. Our goal is to have a final proposal and membership vote in April 2022. With your feedback, we have the potential to create a consolidated association that will:

  • prepare the spiritual care profession for the future,
  • nurture future spiritual care providers and educators,
  • more effectively advocate the value of professional spiritual care providers to aspiring spiritual caregivers of all faith traditions, institutions, and the public,
  • and adapt to changing demographic and societal trends.

We hope you will each celebrate the achievements of our colleagues in the certification and accreditation processes and our new committee initiatives. Later this month, ACPE leadership (board, commissions, and committees) will gather virtually to conduct the business of ACPE. Stay informed by keeping up with our Monday newsletters. When a colleague is mentioned in the newsletter, a short email can give support that we weren’t aware they needed.

Lastly, as we approach the season of Thanksgiving, please consider donating to the ACPE Foundation. The Foundation supports the creative and innovative efforts of ACPE in many venues. Please consider a regular donation to the ACPE Foundation.

I am thankful for your work, creativity, and dedication to our discipline in all its forms. I have much for which to the grateful. ACPE is one. You are another. Thank you.

Rev. Melissa Walker-Luckett, ACPE Certified Educator at Children's Health Children's Medical Center Dallas in Dallas, TX, serves as Chair of the Board of Directors. She may be contacted at