ACPE’s Anti-Bias Working Group: What’s That?
Feb 10, 2022
Did you know ACPE has an Anti-Bias Working Group (ABWG)? Have you ever wondered what we do? As we begin work in 2022, we see our work as integral to ACPE’s mission, vision and values. ACPE’s mission is to positively affect people’s lives by nurturing connections to the sacred through experiential education and spiritual care. The ABWG’s mission is to resource ACPE to embed and embrace anti-bias and antiracism at every level and at every expression of our organization. ACPE’s vision is to create measurable and appreciable improvement in spiritual health that transforms people and communities in the US and across the globe. The ABWG’s vision is to champion the anti-bias and anti-racist orientation and practices that are essential to cultivating spiritual health and wellbeing.
COVID-19 and Clinical Pastoral Education
Feb 9, 2022
"COVID-19 and Clinical Pastoral Education: How ACPE Educators Pivoted Amid the Pandemic", examined how ACPE-certified educators responded to maintain program delivery. Survey results from 210 educators found a substantial and abrupt increase in both synchronous and asynchronous remote delivery for instruction and supervision as well as adaptations for maintaining clinical practice. The study identified the use and helpfulness of professional, organizational, and technology resources, including ACPE peers and feedback from students among those most valuable.
It’s time to take stock
Feb 4, 2022
The pandemic has impacted my body, among other things. For the first time in two years, I went to a yoga class last week and discovered just how inflexible my body had become during the pandemic. I used to feel like my sun salutations flowed (fairly) well. I was a little clunky when my 6’4” frame went down for an upward-facing dog; still, I appreciated the flexibility yoga had given me into my mid 50’s.
Homage to Stu Plummer. A kind of homily.
Feb 3, 2022
ACPE Retired Educator Alex Lukens wrote a homage to ACPE Emeritus Educator Stu Plummer who died on December 15, 2021.
For your professional ethics edification in February
Feb 3, 2022
Once a month the ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a couple of statements from our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members. Each posting is accompanied by a brief personal reflection from a member of the PEC discussing some ways this person lives these commitments
2022 Psychotherapy Webinar Series
Feb 1, 2022
ACPE’s Psychotherapy Webinar Series brings leaders from the field of psychotherapy to ACPE members and guests. The program content is aimed at psychotherapists but will be of interest and value to educators, chaplains, and CPE students as well. Each webinar is approved for 1.5 hours of NBCC continuing education credit. ACPE provides these webinars free of charge to ACPE members. Non-members are welcome at a cost of $20 per webinar.
2022 Conference Registration is Open
Jan 31, 2022
Register now for the 2022 Joint Conference "Freedom, Wonder, and Liberation: Anti-Bias Practices of Spiritual Care and Education" taking place May 9-12, 2022.
ACPE is Your Home For Spiritually Integrative Psychotherapy
Jan 31, 2022
There’s a local car dealership in Philadelphia that always ends its television ads with the owner of the dealership saying, “I’ve always been your dealer, even if you didn’t know it.” It may seem weirdly disjointed to summon a car dealer slogan for my inaugural newsletter entry as the new chair of the Psychotherapy Commission, but this slogan uniquely captures my sincere wish and desire: ACPE is your home for spiritually integrative psychotherapy.
Saying Goodbye
Jan 27, 2022
In 2017, I took what might have been the biggest risk of my professional life. I left a job and colleagues that I dearly loved to come work at ACPE. It was a time of great transition for ACPE, and I was excited about what I could bring to the role of supporting our educators and programs. We embarked on a two-year campaign to visit all our accredited CPE centers, to meet with stakeholders, answer questions about the changes, and build connections with the more centralized ACPE infrastructure.
Call for ACPE Service Award Nominations!
Jan 24, 2022
The Foundation for ACPE Service Awards Committee invites you to nominate yourself or a colleague for recognition of outstanding contributions or service to ACPE, the field(s) of spiritual care, pastoral counseling and/or psychotherapy. As an association, we are blessed with an abundance of talented, smart, and generous members. Who do you think deserves special recognition?
A New Chapter of Our Shared Story
Jan 24, 2022
In this new year the ACPE Foundation will open a new chapter. Our endowment has grown to over $8 million, and we have significantly more funds available for innovative grants.
2022: How do we continue building on the relational foundations that led to our successes?
Jan 14, 2022
Indie Arie sang about him in “One.” Bob Dylan sang about him in “They Killed Him.” Common and John Legend sang about him in “Glory.” U2 sang about him in “Pride.” And Stevie Wonder sang “Happy Birthday” to him.
For your professional ethics edification in January
Jan 7, 2022
Once a month the ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a couple of statements from our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members. Each posting is accompanied by a brief personal reflection from a member of the PEC discussing some ways this person lives these commitments
New Energy in the New Year
Jan 7, 2022
Happy New Year! It’s a strange start to a new year, isn’t it? This time of year typically brings hopefulness and anticipation, visioning, and goal-setting. And yet, in 2022, we find ourselves in the midst of a raging pandemic and economic uncertainty. Reflection on the road ahead feels challenging as a deep weariness has set in for many of us and our colleagues.
What will we continue to create?
Dec 22, 2021
Greetings and blessed 2022 to all of you! My name is Shawn Mai, and I am the new board chair for the ACPE Board of Directors. For the last two years, I’ve had the privilege of serving alongside Melissa Walker-Luckett as she chaired the board. I am an ACPE Educator at Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital in St. Louis Park, MN, a first-ring suburb of Minneapolis, MN. I am married to my husband Chuck, have two children and three grandchildren. Several years ago, I decided to work four days a week and provide childcare for our grandchildren one day a week. My grandchildren offer a source for some of my most significant learning in life right now.
We Are Better Together: With Gratitude for Your Generosity
Dec 22, 2021
As we approach the final days of 2021, I want to express a big “THANK YOU” to all of our donors, supporters, and friends for your incredible generosity of time, talent, and treasure this year. Together, we have navigated another year of a global pandemic, and we have worked together to meet people in the most vulnerable moments of their lives. Your leadership, love, and service do not go unnoticed. You are appreciated for the positive difference you make in the world, and ACPE will continue to be a vibrant community of spiritual care educators and professionals because of you.
Changing Seasons
Dec 17, 2021
The recent storms that have battered the Midwest have been nothing short of terrifying. Imagine going to sleep in a familiar world only to wake up to utter desolation, the community you once knew, reduced to rubble. Of course, the initial response is about basic needs, preserving life, minimizing the risks that come with downed power lines and broken gas mains. At some point—often a moment that is not defined or predictable—people shift towards “now what?” In the words of the ancients, how then shall we live?
Before the Time of Quarantine
Dec 15, 2021
Jennifer Reek is a chaplain at Christus St. Vincent Medical Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She has a Master of Divinity from Regis College, the Jesuit Faculty at the University of Toronto. She is the author of A Poetics of Church: Reading and Writing Sacred Spaces of Poetic Dwelling (Routledge, 2018), a work developed from her PhD research at the Centre for Literature, Theology and the Arts, University of Glasgow. She can be contacted at jenniferreek@gmail.com.
A Blessing for Traveling in the Dark
Dec 10, 2021
As we approach our second pandemic winter here in the Northern hemisphere, I am trying to make peace with the quiet dark. Gone is the extravagance of spring, flinging seeds far and wide. And the colorful, fragrant summer with abundance of fruit and lingering of days. The crispness of autumn and the slow draining of color have brought us to this point, with bare trees, grey skies and the darkness that descends each day long before I’m ready for it.
My Final Reflection as ACPE’s Board Chair
Dec 6, 2021
First, thank you to ACPE’s members and students for the privilege of serving alongside you as colleagues in the discipline of Spiritual Care and Education. To the ACPE Board of Directors, thank you for your wisdom, tenacity, and commitment to our association. You have been thoughtful, diligent, and courageous leaders. To the ACPE Staff, thank you for your professional expertise, patience, longsuffering, and dedication to our association.