Beloved Community
Feb 15, 2021
Pandemics. Plural. COVID-19. Racial inequity and white supremacy. We have talked a great deal about both of these. But there are others as well.
New Energy Afoot
Feb 5, 2021
On a cold, grey day last week, I dragged my family out on walk around our neighborhood. I was focused on getting us exercise and then getting home as soon as possible, but my five-year old daughter was taking her sweet time. My efforts to hurry her along were in vain. As I grew more frustrated, her pace seemed to slow even more. Toward the end of our neighborhood loop, when she finally caught up to my husband and me, she showed me the reason for her distraction: a bright yellow dandelion. It provided such a striking visual contrast to the cold grey day, and her excitement and wonder a contrast to my hurried irritation.
Another Year Filled with Firsts….and Promise
Feb 1, 2021
I don’t know about you, and yet, I know I am not alone or even in a minority saying, “I am tired of all the unprecedented events” of the past year.
The Parish Pastor as Chaplain
Jan 29, 2021
There may be some who think that Church life, centered around the Parish, as we presently know, it will become obsolete. I suppose that is a possibility, but probably not any time soon.
Your Gifts at Work: Foundation for ACPE Supports Spiritual Care & Education Research Projects
Jan 25, 2021
At their December 2020 board meeting, the Foundation for ACPE awarded $73,870 in funds to support two research projects that can help to advance the fields of CPE and spiritual care education. Both projects align with the priorities established by the ACPE Research Committee.
How are you holding up?
Jan 14, 2021
Today we honor the life and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. While many of you will continue to serve in the midst of this pandemic, others will volunteer in communities, making his dream of the Beloved Community one step closer to reality. In light of the last few weeks - months - years - even decades - God knows we need the spirit and intentions of leaders like Dr. King to come alive in ways that crosses borders and bridges, heals and unties, transforms and reimagines what we might yet be as neighborhoods and nations.
Finding Meaning in Lifting Up One Another
Jan 8, 2021
It is impossible to write about the nature and quality of our connections with one another in ACPE without acknowledging the significant strain in our civic life, made plain last week on Epiphany, when a violent mob stormed the Capitol while both houses of congress were receiving the electoral college votes. Though the clinical rhombus doesn’t explicitly consider the sociopolitical context of learning, many of us have extended Karl Barth’s insistence that preaching is properly done with the bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other. That is to say, we cannot find meaning or proclaim the promises of God apart from the very real circumstances of our life in society.
Informal Consultation for Certified Educators
Jan 7, 2021
We invite all ACPE Certified Educators who are working with Certified Educator Candidates to join us for informal consultations and conversations via Zoom.
For your professional ethics edification in January
Jan 7, 2021
Once a month the ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a couple of statements from our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members.
New Chair of the Accreditation Commission Offers Words of Welcome for 2021
Jan 6, 2021
Welcome to 2021! We are very excited for the new year and the hope that comes with it. As the pandemic changed a lot, we are grateful for your continued pursuit of excellence in our ACPE accredited programs and to working together with the ACPE Accreditation Commission.
I hope you all have a Safe, Healthy and Happy 2021!
Jan 4, 2021
As part of that “safe and healthy,” I was feeling a bit envious of my colleagues who had great smiles and glowing expressions on their social media pages after they received their COVID-19 vaccine. Good for each of you who have already gotten your first shot, and for those who are awaiting an opportunity to receive the vaccine, hang on; I trust it soon will be available for all of us. I fervently believe we will all have the option in the coming weeks/months.
2021 Annual Conference: Creating Room to Breathe
Dec 21, 2020
What is CPE?
Dec 18, 2020
CPE, Clinical Pastoral Education, . . . so the literature says, is professional education for ministry. It is the clinical component of graduate theological education. CPE provides the participant the opportunity to operationalize her/his/their personal and academic theological development in the art and science of ministry, sometimes for the first time. That makes CPE sound like on-the-job training. It is so much more.
Thank you from the Annual Campaign
Dec 17, 2020
In the midst of a global pandemic and reckoning for social and racial injustice, ACPE members and friends have still demonstrated incredible generosity.
Places of Light
Dec 17, 2020
Do you remember two weeks ago? It was the day before the election. Does it feel like a lifetime ago? How many lifetimes have we lived during the pandemic? And what does our future hold?
ACPE Invoices Notification
Dec 11, 2020
We have fixed the issues regarding the annual dues billing in our new database. Around 7:00pm eastern on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, you should have received an email from ACPE with the subject “Billing Notice” which includes links to pay your 2021 membership dues. For your convenience, we added an “Express Payment” hyperlink.
Trauma, Resilience, and Teams
Dec 9, 2020
In recent weeks, I have been particularly moved by first-hand accounts of the bone-deep weariness faced by medical providers and allied health professionals caring for those with COVID. Of course, this also includes many of you, who navigate all of the challenges of caring for patients and families impacted by COVID, in addition to providing support and care to colleagues and staff. These days are so full of trauma, and so many in our midst are living it up close and personally.
Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on the Delivery of ACPE Spiritual Care Education
Dec 4, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on the landscape and delivery of healthcare and theological education. While the impact of COVID has been addressed in multiple editorial and peer reviewed publications, no systematic study has been conducted on how accredited programs of clinical pastoral education have responded and adjusted to the pandemic.
“The Best Thing I’ve Done in 30 Years as a Counselor and Center Director”: Reflections from a SIP Training
Dec 4, 2020
I am Executive Director of Tidewater Pastoral Counseling Services, which serves the cities of Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, and Suffolk, Virginia. I came here 15 years, to work as Associate Executive Director with our Founding Director, Rev. Dr. Bill Hedrick. I stepped into the Executive Director role 10 years ago. I’ve been a Licensed Professional Counselor since 1990, working 15 years in the community mental health system, and I am an ordained minister in the Christian Church Disciples of Christ.
For your professional ethics edification in December
Dec 3, 2020
For December, instead of commenting on our ethics standards, we share some resources for learning about professional ethics.