Portfolio Review Process 2021

Written by Randy Hall

Randy smiling at camera

Greetings from the Accreditation Commission!  I hope that all is well with you, your programs, and your students.

I am excited to share information with you about portfolio reviews and our deep dive this year.  The portfolio review process will begin in July 2021 and will conclude by the end of October.

Like last year, each center will experience an overview portfolio review (Part I of the Review Form).  This overview will ensure that you have something that is reasonably developed for each required item and that it has been updated for this year.

Then, new this year, is the deep dive into a specific standard.  For this year, the commission has chosen Standard 2: A center has an articulated curriculum for its educational programs and demonstrates a continuous process of improvement of its curriculum.

As we begin to think about the deep dive, I want to highlight the indicators from the manual that will serve as the guide for you as the center and for the reviewers.  There are five indicators that will be used, with each indicator being asked as a question:

  1. Articulation of the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values that it expects students to gain in their program.
  2. Evidence of alignment with ACPE Objectives and Outcomes and if applicable, Certified Educator Competencies.
  3. Defined process for continuous review, assessment, and updates (action-reflection-action)
  4. Engagement of its stakeholders in the review process
  5. Utilization of the 400 hours required for a unit or the 240 hours required for a half unit of CPE.

To help you think about some of these indicators, we have created a SharePoint Page dedicated to Curriculum Design and Review. You can either click on the link when you are logged into your ACPE account in SharePoint, or go to Members’ Home, hover over the Accreditation tab, then click on Curriculum Design and Review under Portfolio Guides, the right hand column, at the bottom to get there. We hope that you will find these resources helpful.

On the page, you will find some guiding principles for curriculum development (not content, but framework), a link to a presentation that shares a model of Curriculum Design, Development, and Review based on Understanding by Design, a backwards design model, and a template that has two ways of organizing your curriculum as a sample, both of which also meet the requirement for a curriculum crosswalk.

In addition to this resource page, we will be hosting Q & A sessions via Zoom.  These sessions will be open-ended for you to bring questions and engage with colleagues around the topic of curriculum design, development, and review.  Click here to sign up for a session.

As always, please be in touch with your assigned commissioner if you have questions about accreditation.  The Accreditation Commission is looking forward to the ways we can support each center this year through the deep dive of Standard 2.

Randy Hall is the Chair of the Accreditation Commission. He can be reached at Randy.Hall@unchealth.unc.edu