COVID-19 and Clinical Pastoral Education: How ACPE Educators Pivoted Amid the Pandemic", examined how ACPE-certified educators responded to maintain program delivery. Survey results from 210 educators found a substantial and abrupt increase in both synchronous and asynchronous remote delivery for instruction and supervision as well as adaptations for maintaining clinical practice. The study identified the use and helpfulness of professional, organizational, and technology resources, including ACPE peers and feedback from students among those most valuable. A second manuscript examining educators' perspectives on the efficacy of remote CPE and implications for the future has been submitted for peer review. Our team included five ACPE educators and a research chaplain: Csaba Szilagyi, Alexander Tartaglia, Kim Palmer, David Fleenor, Beth Jackson-Jordan, and Sarah Knoll Sweeney. This study was conducted with support from the Foundation for ACPE.
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