Call for ACPE Service Award Nominations!

The Foundation for ACPE Service Awards Committee invites you to nominate yourself or a colleague for recognition of outstanding contributions or service to ACPE, the field(s) of spiritual care, pastoral counseling and/or psychotherapy.  As an association, we are blessed with an abundance of talented, smart, and generous members. Who do you think deserves special recognition?

ACPE is seeking nominations for the following awards:

  1. Distinguished Service Award
  2. Helen Flanders Dunbar Award
  3. Inspiration Award
  4. Emerging Leader Award
  5. Emeritus ACPE Educator/Psychotherapist

The deadline to submit a nomination is March 1, 2022. Awardees will be honored during ACPE Proud Week 2022. Click Here to Submit your Nomination!

If you have any questions, please contact Jasmine Okafor, ACPE Development Specialist or Service Awards Committee Chair, Chris McCain.