Call for Workshop Applications

The ACPE Curriculum Committee invites you to submit a workshop proposal for the 2023 ACPE Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana!
This year’s conference will showcase the wisdom of our members and highlight the inspirational and innovative education that our educators and programs are offering to our students.
During the conference, we will offer three distinct types of workshops:
1. Seminar Style Learning: These offerings will be 90-minute slots that expand upon the anti-bias commitment of ACPE. Preference will be given to workshops that fall within the following areas and are related to our educational programs:
a) Religion and Values
b) Gender Identity
c) Language and Immigration
d) Ableism
e) Race
f) Research related to Anti-Bias efforts
2. Embodiment Workshops or Creative/Arts Workshops: These offerings will be 60–90-minute slots that utilize creative movement, performing, visual, or written/oral arts, meditation/yoga, and similar modalities to grow our cultural knowledge and explore potential biases through experiential opportunities.
3. Honing our Craft Dialogues: Volunteer ACPE Certified Educators will commit to working together in advance of the conference to become facilitators of conversations around the core elements of CPE programs as we explore together the potential inherent biases in some of our practices. Together we will ask critical questions and engage in dialogue about:
a) Recruiting and Admissions Practices
b) IPR
c) Verbatims
d) Final Evaluations
We will send out a separate "Call for Volunteer Facilitators" form at a later date.
We hope that you will consider the opportunity of creatively sharing your experience, expertise, and gifts by presenting a workshop for this conference.
Please submit questions or comments to Marc Medwed, ACPE Associate Executive Director at Applications submitted by October 7, 2022, will be given consideration according to relevance to the conference theme, criteria, and the ACPE mission, vision, and values.