

  • Sacred Listening: Reflections on the ACPE Annual Conference

    Jun 18, 2023

    We communed at the 2023 ACPE Annual Conference after years of COVID keeping us at a distance. Despite all the excitement, deep sorrow and pain pervaded our time together. This year we made significant changes to our learning outcomes, evaluated Certification, and wondered about the future of ACPE. The grief many of us felt at the conference is a heavy burden affecting our ability to connect with others and see beyond our experiences. When working to become an anti-bias organization, grief can dim our vision and makes it difficult to recognize, trust, and learn from the authentic experiences of others.

  • Reflections from the Interim Executive Director

    Jun 18, 2023

    I have always been drawn to little children and elders. In many ways they are similar; They are dependent on us to care for and protect them. They teach us to enjoy life, to remain curious and open, to see what sometimes is hidden.

  • Professional Ethics Edification

    Jun 17, 2023

    Once a month the ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a couple of statements from our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members. Each posting is accompanied by a brief personal reflection from a commissioner of the PEC sharing some ways this person lives these commitments*. June’s statements are:

  • Queering Delight, Queering Care

    Jun 16, 2023

    Every day I walk into the hospital as a chaplain resident, I show up as a visibly queer person in ministry. Whether the patients, families, and staff are aware or not, it’s important for me to show up authentically as myself. I have complicated feelings about how corporations celebrate Pride Month, because I believe queer celebration must always be rooted in resistance.

  • Completion of Fourth International Unit: CHRISTUS Health Latin American Ministry

    Jun 12, 2023

    Under the prior Educational Placement arrangement through accredited CPE Centers, CHRISTUS Health provided four CPE units in our Latin American ministry (comprised of Mexico, Chile, and Colombia) between 2019- 2023.

  • The Joy of a Great Harvest

    Jun 5, 2023

    June is the month in western Kansas when the hard red winter wheat is ripe and ready to be harvested. For the grains to get to the point of harvest, they endure quite a journey of development. The wheat is planted in the fall. Once it is in the ground, it depends on the forces of mother nature to cooperate. Some precipitation in the fall sets the process in motion.

  • In Honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

    May 29, 2023

    As a Chinese American within the AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) community, I am reaching to actualize and nurture a redemptive vision of a future for this community. I have often returned to poems written by Chinese imprisoned on Angel Island under the Chinese Exclusion Act in the first half the 1900’s.

  • 2023 ACPE Annual Conference: The Memorial Service

    May 15, 2023

    As we gather in person for the first time since the pandemic, we will enjoy many traditional conference events, including the annual memorial service.

  • For your professional ethics edification

    May 8, 2023

    Once a month the ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a couple of statements from our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members. Each posting is accompanied by a brief personal reflection from a commissioner of the PEC sharing some ways this person lives these commitments*. May’s statements are:

  • Thoughts and Reflections from the Interim Executive Director

    May 8, 2023

    Every day we are faced with having to make decisions. Some that require tremendous thought, others that seem to just happen without much thought at all.

  • A Forest Knows Things

    May 1, 2023

    I’ve always been drawn to the woods; the book The Overstory gave me a sense of why that might be. Connection has always fascinated me and drives a theological sense of where the divine appears. ACPE’s work is tied to internal connections that impact our lives in a larger spiritual care and education ecosystem.

  • Summer CPE Down Under

    Apr 10, 2023

    I was fortunate to be invited by ACPE CE colleague Michael Hertz to lead a summer unit of clinical pastoral education for Royal Perth Hospital in Perth, Western Australia. My husband enthusiastically agreed to come along. We didn’t know what to expect, but we expected to have the time of our lives. And we did!

  • Come to the 12th International Council on Pastoral Care and Counseling (ICPCC) Congress on July 3-6, 2023 In Potchefstroom, South Africa

    Apr 3, 2023

    In 2015, the ICPCC Congress met in San Francisco in conjunction with the ACPE annual meeting. This amazing group of international chaplains, theologians, and educators comes together every four years for learning and collaboration with one another.

  • Rogers_Michael
    For your professional ethics edification in April

    Apr 3, 2023

    Once a month the ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a couple of statements from our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members. Each posting is accompanied by a brief personal reflection from a member of the PEC discussing some ways this person lives these commitments*. April's statements are:

  • Reflections on a New Season

    Apr 3, 2023

    William Bridges, in his book Managing Transitions, notes the difference between change and transitions. Internal change in ACPE over the past decade has included a new governance structure, the dissolution of the regions, a new certification process, and a new accreditation process.

  • Malu Fairley Collins
    Amidst an Attack on the ‘Feminine’ : A Women’s Herstory Month Reflection

    Mar 27, 2023

    As I come to the close of Women’s Herstory Month 2023, I realize that the mood and the emotional tone of this month have not felt celebratory. I have not paused to bask in the glow of my connected intersectional womanhood. Instead, as I look towards the rest of the year it has felt much more like preparing for battle. I am reminded of this scene: The Woman King Exclusive Movie Clip - Preparing for Battle (2022). We are very much living through an attack on the womxn and feminine as evidenced by the gutting of reproductive health & the adoption of anti-abortion laws, the rise in anti-trans legislation including anti-drag queen laws, and so much more.

  • The “Curb Cut Effect” in Clinical Pastoral Education

    Mar 13, 2023

    In my work in ministries with people with varied disabilities, time and time again, I have been struck with how resources developed to address a particular need have ended up having a much broader application.

  • National Faculty Process Updates

    Mar 10, 2023

    Following up on last month’s article describing the revision to our National Faculty (NF) and Peer Review process, a few clarifications:

  • For your professional ethics edification in March

    Mar 6, 2023

    Once a month the ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a couple of statements from our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members. Each posting is accompanied by a brief personal reflection from a member of the PEC discussing some ways this person lives these commitments*. March’s statements are:

  • Divine Energy

    Mar 6, 2023

    There is so much that tears at the fabric of our life together and the fabric of our souls. Grief, division, negativity, and losing sight can divert us from our call to be about mending the world through the art of spiritual care and education. The great deception is that we are destined to be overcome by divisive differences, evil, and separation. My fundamental belief is that divine energy ultimately finds lost souls and knits us back into a relationship with ourselves, one another, and our Divine source.