Accreditation Updates

Written by Katy Wilcox, Accreditation Commission Chair

As many of us have or will soon be wrapping up our summer units, accreditation is still remarkably busy! In addition to the regular work of site visits, we are actively engaged in continuing to refine the various changes that we are making. We are making good progress in addressing the compliance report of the USDE and I hope that this update will provide you with additional needed information.

Throughout the summer, we have been in regular dialogue with our analyst at the USDE about the definition of a “program” and what that means for ACPE. In its recognition by USDE, ACPE is authorized to accredit programs of CPE. The way the USDE defines a program that is not part of a university setting or a degree granting institution has not been clear. Together, we have been able to structure a definition and practice that will best reflect the education that ACPE provides to the field of spiritual care and meet the needs of the USDE recognition. To assist everyone in understanding these concepts, we have developed a more concise PowerPoint that is on the USDE/ACPE Accreditation SharePoint page.  Please take a look and let us know if you have any questions.

Going forward, we are defining a program as a unit of CPE; ACPE accredited programs can offer Level IA, Level IB, Level IIA, and Level IIB units and if accredited, CEC CPE. Each of these will meet the definition of a program for USDE, so when we look at student achievement, we will be measuring achievement for each unit of CPE that is offered by a program. For programs that always offered single units of CPE, this is not a change; for programs that offer a formal residency, it is important to note that a residency is defined by the local program site and not by ACPE. As such, students will continue to enroll in each individual unit of CPE, and we will measure student achievement for each unit of CPE rather than looking at the year-long residency program. This way, if a student leaves a residency or does not progress at the same pace as other students in the group, programs will not need to worry about their student achievement rates being affected.

Another essential element of the definition of a “program” is the inclusion of a distinct certificate for each program/unit of CPE.  In the fall, the Accreditation Commission will be providing a template for programs to download to customize for their program site. All ACPE certificates will share some certificate elements in common, and other certificate elements will be unique to the program site. Certificates will be issued for each unit of CPE as follows based on student achievement:

Level IA: Introduction to Spiritual Care Certificate

Level IB: Foundations of Spiritual Care Certificate

Level IIA: Intermediate Spiritual Care Certificate

Level IIB: Certificate in the Practice of Spiritual Care

Certificates will also be differentiated for the varying levels of achievement, i.e., 80% average or higher; 70-79% average; and 50-69% average for half credit.

As a reminder, ACPE is developing the electronic evaluation form that will complete the math for individual student achievement and will also serve to calculate an individual program’s achievement, with a report that you will be able to download for inclusion in your portfolio.

Please know that the members of the Accreditation Commission are here to support you in your work and during this time of change, so don’t hesitate to reach out to your assigned commissioner with any questions.

Wishing everyone a restful end to the summer and all the best to you with the start-up of fall units.