

  • ACPE Celebrates Black History Month: A Conversation with ACPE REM Leaders & Elders

    Feb 27, 2023

    This month, ACPE Anti-Bias Work Group members had a unique opportunity to sit down with leaders and elders of ACPE’s Racial, Ethnic & Multicultural (REM) Network. Recognizing that the Anti Bias Work Group’s charge stems from the decades-long work of REM to champion diversity, equity, and inclusion within ACPE, this conversation provided a rich opportunity to learn more about “how” and “why” the REM movement came into existence.

  • Clarifications Regarding Peer Review and National Faculty

    Feb 27, 2023

    The Professional Wellbeing Committee (PWB) and Certification Commission (CC) collaboratively reviewed feedback from our membership provided through Peer Review reports and reflections, which pointed to the need to clarify some elements of peer review and national faculty processes. The CC and PWB jointly offer the following updates:

  • Calling All CECs!

    Feb 27, 2023

    I am honored to have begun my term as chair of Certification two months ago, along with Cam Holzer, who serves as Chair-Elect. While the newsletter is an important tool to communicate to all our Certified Educators (CEs) within our organization, this article is specifically for our Certified Educator Candidates (CECs) - all 121 of them!

  • Thoughts and Reflections from the Interim Executive Director

    Feb 20, 2023

    I have been in the role of Interim Executive Director now for almost two months. During this time, I have been reminded how important Listening is in our work. I have been reminded of how easy it is to listen but not hear what is being said.

  • Doug looking at camera
    SHARE Act

    Feb 13, 2023

    For licensed spiritually informed psychotherapists, state lines often form a barrier to practice. Many states do not recognize licenses granted by other states. Earning the right to practice in another state can be a drawn-out, expensive undertaking.

  • ACPE 2023 Annual Conference

    Feb 8, 2023

    Join us on May 21-May 25 in New Orleans, LA!

  • For your professional ethics edification in February

    Feb 5, 2023

    Once a month the ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a couple of statements from our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members. Each posting is accompanied by a brief personal reflection from a member of the PEC discussing some ways this person lives these commitments*.

  • Our Good Work

    Feb 5, 2023

    Anne Lamott in her 2012 piece Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers writes: You say, “Thank you” when something scary has happened in your beloved and screwed-up family and you all came through (or most of you did!), and you have found love in the intergenerational ruins (maybe a lot of love, or maybe just enough).

  • A Personal Reflection from our Interim Executive Director

    Feb 5, 2023

    Every Sunday morning, I rise early to send out a scripture accompanied by a brief meditation to my family (my four sisters and two cousins). They are, in many ways, my congregation. I am grateful for them and the ways we nurture and care for each other. When I awakened on Sunday morning, January 29th, I struggled to find words of comfort for myself and my family.

  • A Reflection from the On-Call Room

    Jan 30, 2023

    I met God in the hospital last night In the great wind Of a newborn baby’s breath, heralded by Brahms’ lullaby over the PA Of a team providing CPR Of the rush of people coming and going, blown from one place to another, perhaps unsure how they even landed here

  • For your professional ethics edification in January

    Jan 23, 2023

    Once a month the ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a couple of statements from our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members. Each posting is accompanied by a brief personal reflection from a member of the PEC discussing some ways this person lives these commitments*.

  • Accreditation Updates

    Jan 16, 2023

    Happy New Year! It is my pleasure to be writing to you as the new chair of the Accreditation Commission.

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    Towards Our Beloved Community

    Jan 16, 2023

    As a daughter of Atlanta, Georgia, the place dubbed “The City Too Busy To Hate,” I grew up with the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as a towering backdrop to my experience as a middle-class African American millennial raised in the South.

  • Happy New Year!

    Dec 31, 2022

    Happy New Year, ACPE members and friends! The page turns from 2022 to 2023, and we are reminded once again of the passage of time, the gift of a vital mission we share, and the possibilities our transformational work brings. This time in ACPE’s life attunes me to generative energy. Here is why I say that:

  • ACPE Board of Directors announces Rev. Robin Brown-Haithco as Interim Executive Director

    Dec 31, 2022

    ACPE Board of Directors is pleased to announce ACPE Retired Educator Rev.Robin Brown-Haithco as Interim Executive Director, effective January 1, 2023.

  • Dagmar looking at camera
    This Work Matters

    Dec 19, 2022

    As we approach the final days of 2022, I want to express a big “THANK YOU” to all our donors, supporters, and friends for your incredible generosity of time, talent and treasure this year. It has been my honor to serve as the Foundation for ACPE’s Board Chair these past two years, and I am grateful for all that we have learned and accomplished.

  • For your professional ethics edification in December

    Dec 15, 2022

    Once a month the ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a couple of statements from our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members. Each posting is accompanied by a brief personal reflection from a member of the PEC discussing some ways this person lives these commitments*.

  • Thank you, ACPE!

    Dec 15, 2022

    As most of you know, poetry is one of the most important sources of life for my soul. As this is my final article for ACPE, I want to offer two pieces I love from Julia Fehrenbacher. The first echoes my reflections on my time with you:

  • International CPE Community of Practice Retreat Report

    Dec 12, 2022

    The International CPE Community of Practice held a hybrid retreat from December 2nd until December 4th. Seventeen people attended in person, seven attended virtually, and 11 countries were represented. The intention of this retreat is to cultivate the relationships that we have not been able to achieve during the COVID pandemic, and it is also to experiment with CPE practice that can be culturally relevant to various cultural contexts.

  • A Season of Transition

    Dec 5, 2022

    November was a dynamic month at ACPE. The ACPE Board, Commissions, and Committees met in Atlanta in mid-November to do the work of the association. Information on those respective meetings will be posted online following the ACPE Board’s ratifying of the minutes at our December board meeting.