Call for ACPE Service Award Nominations

Can you think of a colleague who has provided distinguished service throughout their career? Which one of your colleagues has demonstrated innovative leadership? Who do you think deserves special recognition?
We invite you to nominate yourself or a colleague for recognition of outstanding contributions or service to our association, the fields of spiritual care, education, or spiritually integrated psychotherapy.
ACPE is seeking nominations for the following awards:
- Distinguished Service Award
- Helen Flanders Dunbar Award
- Inspiration Award
- Emerging Leader Award
- Emeritus ACPE Educator/Psychotherapist
All nominations must be made by an ACPE member in good standing via the online application form.
To be considered, nominations should include a completed application form and requested letters of support.
Distinguished Service Award
The Distinguished Service Award is ACPE's most prestigious award. Since 1980, ACPE has bestowed the Distinguished Service Award to members who demonstrated exemplary service and outstanding contributions to the association, students and patients, and the fields of spiritual care, education, and psychotherapy.
Criteria for Selecting a Recipient of the DSA:
DSA Recipients will possess the following characteristics:
- ACPE Certified Educator or Psychotherapist, and a member of ACPE in good standing
- Outstanding service to ACPE
- Demonstrated leadership in ACPE, including making a regular gift to the ACPE Foundation
- Upholds the mission, vision and values of ACPE
- Recognition by other related organizations for outstanding contribution (preferred).
Recipients of the DSA will receive:
- Special recognition at the ACPE Annual Conference Banquet in the awarded year
- One complimentary registration to the ACPE Annual Conference (includes airfare and one-night hotel room) and one additional complimentary ticket to the ACPE Annual Banquet in the awarded year.
Nominations should include the following attachments:
- Three letters of support -
- One from a Colleague other than the Nominator
- One from a Student of the Nominee
- One from another person of the Nominator or Nominee’s choice
Helen Flanders Dunbar Award
ACPE established the Helen Flanders Dunbar Award in 2001 in honor of Helen Flanders Dunbar for her pioneering work in the CPE movement and field of spiritual care. The award honors ACPE members who contributed research and academic vitality or demonstrated innovative practice in the field of spiritual care, education, and psychotherapy.
Criteria for Selecting a Recipient of the Helen Flanders Dunbar Award:
Helen Flanders Dunbar Award recipients do not have to be members of ACPE, but will possess one or more of the following characteristics:
- Exercised a leadership role at a critical juncture in ACPE history
- Contributed research and academic vitality to the field of spiritual care & education
- Demonstrated innovative practice in spiritual care & education and/or developed an innovative program
- Had a foundational role in a new expression or direction of ACPE
- Acquired significant financial resources for ACPE
- Upholds the mission, vision and values of ACPE.
Recipient of the Helen Flanders Dunbar Award will receive:
- Special recognition at the ACPE Annual Conference in the awarded year
- One complimentary registration to the ACPE Annual Conference (includes airfare and one-night hotel room) and one additional complimentary ticket to the ACPE Annual Banquet in the awarded year.
Nominations should include the following attachments:
- Two letters of support -
- One from a Colleague other than the Nominator
- One from another person of the Nominator or Nominee’s choice
Emeritus ACPE Certified Educator/Psychotherapist
The Emeritus designation honors individuals who have made significant contributions to students, and the CPE movement, or the field of spiritually integrated psychotherapy over a period of years.
Criteria for Selecting Emeritus ACPE Certified Educator/Psychotherapist:
Emeritus ACPE Certified Educators and Psychotherapists will possess all of the following characteristics:
- ACPE member in good standing
- Have been an ACPE Certified Educator or Psychotherapist for a minimum of 10 years, and maintained active certification status up until the time of retirement
- Applied for ACPE Retired Educator or Psychotherapist membership
- Made significant contributions to students, clinical pastoral education and spiritually integrated psychotherapy through teaching and/or scholarship
- Demonstrated leadership in ACPE, including making a regular gift to the ACPE Foundation
- Upholds the mission, vision & values of ACPE.
Process for Nominating an Emeritus ACPE Certified Educator/Psychotherapist:
- Individuals can nominate themselves for the Emeritus ACPE Certified Educator/Psychotherapist status at the time they change their ACPE membership category to “Retired Educator” or “Retired Psychotherapist” or be nominated by another ACPE member in good standing.
Emeritus ACPE Certified Educators/Psychotherapists will receive:
- Special recognition at the ACPE Annual Conference Commencement Ceremony in the awarded year
- One complimentary ticket to the ACPE Annual Banquet in the awarded year or a special token of appreciation
- All Emeritus ACPE Certified Educators/ Psychotherapists are included in the “Retired Educator/Psychotherapist” ACPE membership category, resulting in $0 in annual dues. Should the Emeritus ACPE Certified Educator/Psychotherapist choose to supervise students at some time in the future, it is expected that the Emeritus ACPE Certified Educator/Psychotherapist (or the institution for which the CPE supervision is done) will pay the regular ACPE Certified Educator/ Psychotherapist membership dues for the year supervision is done.
Nominations should include the following attachments:
- Two letters of support -
- One from a Colleague other than the Nominator
- One from a Student of the Nominee
ACPE Inspiration Award
ACPE's Inspiration Award recognizes mid-career professionals who have accomplished a career milestone, and/or who have demonstrated significant leadership qualities in service to ACPE.
Criteria for Selecting a Recipient of the Inspiration Award:
ACPE Inspiration Award recipients will possess the following characteristics:
- ACPE member in good standing (Certified Educator, Psychotherapist, Spiritual Health Professional, ACPE Staff)
- Have been a member of ACPE for 10 years or less
- Demonstrated leadership and service to ACPE through their initiative, innovation, and/or scholarship at their local center, through their Community of Practice and/or at the ACPE national level, and by making a regular gift to the ACPE Foundation
- Upholds the mission, vision and values of ACPE.
Recipients of the Inspiration Award will receive:
- Special recognition at the ACPE Annual Conference in the awarded year.
Nominations should include the following attachment:
- One letter of support from a Colleague other than the Nominator
ACPE Emerging Leader Award
ACPE's Emerging Leader Award recognizes early-career professionals who have already begun to exhibit significant leadership qualities in service to ACPE.
Criteria for Selecting a Recipient of the Emerging Leader Award:
ACPE Emerging Leader Award recipients will possess the following characteristics:
- ACPE member in good standing (Certified Educator, Certified Educator Candidate, Psychotherapist, Spiritual Health Professional, ACPE Staff)
- Have been a member of ACPE for 5 years or less
- Demonstrated leadership and service to ACPE through their initiative, innovation and/or scholarship at their local center, through their Community of Practice and/or at the ACPE national level, and by making a regular gift to the ACPE Foundation
- Upholds the mission, vision and values of ACPE.
Recipients of the Emerging Leader Award will receive:
- Special recognition at the ACPE Annual Conference in the awarded year.
Nominations should include the following attachment:
- One letter of support from a Colleague other than the Nominator
The deadline to submit a nomination is December 15, 2024. Awardees will be honored at the 2025 ACPE Annual Conference in Minneapolis, MN.
Contact Jasmine Okafor, ACPE Director of Development & DEI Initiatives with questions.