Sep 17, 2020
Last week, I read an article where the author argued that while January 1 may be the beginning of the calendar year, the New Year is really the beginning of September. Of course, our Jewish colleagues have been celebrating that for centuries! This is the time when schools begin, congregational program years begin, many ACPE residencies commence, and American football returns.
What is Clinical Pastoral Education?
Sep 11, 2020
What is clinical pastoral education? This question hangs over prospective CPE students from the moment they attempt to answer it as part of their application for admittance into any ACPE-certified program. It was the first question my educator, Dr. Jacob George, asked me during our introductory class. At first, the thought overwhelmed me. Where was I supposed to start? It seemed vague, as if the asker was holding the answer behind their back, waiting to correct me-- and yet, in Dr. Geroge’s class, no “correct” answers were forthcoming. Nudges were made, of course; there are wrong answers to the question. But in the absence of the One Right Answer™, my peers and I were drawn into the delicate process of reflection -- a process which has shaped my ministry in ways I hadn’t anticipated when writing my answer to the above question during the application process. To illustrate this, I invite you into the room of a patient I found crying in his room, shortly after entering the room. He’d said hello, welcomed me into the room, and then said the following phrase.
A Crowded Table Theology
Sep 11, 2020
The table is at the center of my home and my theology of spiritual care and education. At the table, we are seen, met, fed, nourished. Our whole selves are welcomed, and though we may prepare ourselves, we are never really prepared. We participate and share, and we are transformed. We move in with others and then back out into the world again, a rhythm of spiritual practice that holds both the inward, sheltering movements, and the outward, engaging movements as sacred practices. The table is both ordinary and miraculous.
Call for Workshop Applications for the 2021 Annual Conference
Sep 8, 2020
You are invited to submit a workshop proposal for the 2021 ACPE Annual Conference, our first using virtual platforms and online resources, the week of May 3, 2021.
For your professional ethics edification…
Sep 8, 2020
Once a month the Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a couple of statements from our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members. Each posting is accompanied by a brief personal reflection from a member of the PEC discussing some ways this person lives these commitments*. September’s statements are:
These are the constants in our lives
Sep 8, 2020
I don’t know for certain, and yet, I imagine you are as “done with” Coronavirus and COVID-19 as I am. So many processes have been altered in order to continue doing business or some businesses are down completely. I still do my own grocery shopping (with mask on and hand sanitizer readily available) but have friends and family members who haven’t been into their local supermarket in weeks. Taking my temperature every morning and answering a litany of questions on an app and having my temperature checked again upon entering the hospital have become routine. Even wearing a mask everywhere has become less cumbersome and annoying, thanks in part to the few days of temperatures less than 100 degrees. And, while my city has had seven weeks of declining average new case rates, I am certain we are not near the end of this experience. Schools are starting soon and learning for us all is moving at the speed of the internet.
Summer CPE Unit Leads to Self-Healing
Aug 28, 2020
In the early days of May 2020, my career plans changed when my employer, a parochial school, informed me that they were dismissing me. The reason was that I was no longer a good fit for the school. When the president of the school gave me the notification, I was not angered by it. I was relieved by the information because I had not been happy with the teaching profession since I started two years prior. I had an intuition that there was going to be a change with my career plans but did not know when it was going to happen.
Psychotherapy Commission Initiatives
Aug 28, 2020
Greetings to all as we come to the end of this eventful summer. I pray that you and your loved ones are healthy and safe, and that you have been able to find peace during these challenging times. I especially hold in prayer our members on the front lines of fighting COVID-19. Many educators, chaplains, psychotherapists and practitioners who serve in hospitals and health care centers, mental health practices, and other settings deserve our thanks for their generous service. We pray for all who suffer from racial injustice and we work for a more equal and just society. Finally, I offer prayers for all who have felt the wrath of the most recent hurricanes. What an end to the summer, and we still have a few days to go in August!
Certification Commission Seeking Input on Successful Practices for Helping CECs Thrive
Aug 25, 2020
Our new Certification process began in January 2018. Since its inception, we have welcomed over 100 CECs into the process. We have celebrated the certification of our first aspirants to complete the new process and many more have completed Phase I and are making their way through Phase II.
Spiritual Care Resident Reflection
Aug 20, 2020
As the end of my year-long CPE residency draws near, I reflect upon a multitude of profound experiences. I've affectionately called this CPE residency "Human School" because it is an education on the experience of being human. I've had a course load that includes such classes as Grief and Loss 101, Adapting and Adjusting, Managing Complicated Family Relationships, Emotional Responses to Physical Limitations, and, my favorite, "What Now?": Living Your Best Life from Your Recliner. I did some additional required reading. While truly informative, I would not recommend Humiliation in the Workplace , Witnessing Chronic Pain , or Loving Someone Who Can't Remember You: A Loved One's Guide to Alzheimer's. We don't always get to choose our courseload or our professors, but I have received a remarkable education this past year. In fact, I attended a portion of a time-limited seminar called Emotional Regulation in a World Pandemic. There were also some interesting guest lectures I had the chance to sit in on, like Reckoning with Your Whiteness (Geriatric Edition).
Resident Chaplain Reflection
Aug 14, 2020
My CPE experience has been life-changing, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Unbeknownst to me, I never thought my CPE residency was destined to cross paths with this unprecedented pandemic. However, I feel peaceful, content and believe that my ministry has made a difference at Christus Health. With God’s help, I have been able to stay focused on my ministry and calling, not crippled by fear or panic due to this invisible enemy. CPE has surpassed my expectations in all areas of ministry, especially during this critical time.
Thank you
Aug 14, 2020
Last week, my wife, daughter and I took our now COVID-inspired Saturday bike ride to visit friends who also have adult children with developmental disabilities. Though this is not the time of year for a bike ride in Georgia – 90+ degrees with humidity to match – this routine has become an important part of our week
Aug 7, 2020
In recent months, I’ve developed a renewed interest in the pastoral act of blessing. The disconnections wrought by pandemics have turned the glimpses of glory that we reflect in and to one another – often through the miracle of Zoom – into a lifeline. I have been emboldened in offering blessings to those I encounter; and my ears have become more finely tuned to hearing them in the most unlikely of places.
Learn About ACPE's Tech Upgrades
Aug 5, 2020
After almost 25 years, ACPE upgraded its database! Learn more about your new username and password.
Celebrating ACPE's Newly Certified Educators!
Aug 4, 2020
Congratulations to the ACPE Certified Associate Educators and ACPE Certified Educators who passed sub-committees at the Fall 2019 meeting in Atlanta and in virtual meetings this Spring. Please help us celebrate this wonderful occasion by sending them a message of congratulations and well wishes. We look forward to celebrating our newly certified colleagues during #ACPEproud week on Friday, August 7, 2020. Mark your calendars for what is sure to be a memorable event.
Nurturing the Next Generation of Spiritual Care Professionals
Jul 17, 2020
Congratulations to the 2020 cohort of the ACPE Boisen Scholars! Thanks to the generous support of our donors to the Foundation for ACPE, six exceptional students were selected as part of the second cohort of Boisen Scholars. This program supports professional development opportunities for all ACPE students, including Level I and Level II, Psychotherapy Student Members, Chaplain Residents and Certified Educator Candidates. Although this year’s cohort was not able to attend the 20/20 Joint Conference due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are still exploring opportunities for the selected Boisen Scholars to receive professional development support.
8:46 Webinar Series
Jun 29, 2020
ACPE's Advocacy Committee, Curriculum Committee, and Anti-Bias Task Force will present a series of eight webinars addressing issues of race and racism.
ACPE Responds to Systemic Racism and Injustice
Jun 2, 2020
What has been happening this week, has been happening this year, this decade, this century, this half-millenium. We all must put our shoulders to the task of stopping the wholesale slaughter of African American people.