Nurturing the Next Generation of Spiritual Care Professionals
Jul 17, 2020
Congratulations to the 2020 cohort of the ACPE Boisen Scholars! Thanks to the generous support of our donors to the Foundation for ACPE, six exceptional students were selected as part of the second cohort of Boisen Scholars. This program supports professional development opportunities for all ACPE students, including Level I and Level II, Psychotherapy Student Members, Chaplain Residents and Certified Educator Candidates. Although this year’s cohort was not able to attend the 20/20 Joint Conference due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are still exploring opportunities for the selected Boisen Scholars to receive professional development support.
8:46 Webinar Series
Jun 29, 2020
ACPE's Advocacy Committee, Curriculum Committee, and Anti-Bias Task Force will present a series of eight webinars addressing issues of race and racism.
ACPE Responds to Systemic Racism and Injustice
Jun 2, 2020
What has been happening this week, has been happening this year, this decade, this century, this half-millenium. We all must put our shoulders to the task of stopping the wholesale slaughter of African American people.