Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on the Delivery of ACPE Spiritual Care Education

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on the landscape and delivery of healthcare and theological education.  While the impact of COVID has been addressed in multiple editorial and peer reviewed publications, no systematic study has been conducted on how accredited programs of clinical pastoral education have responded and adjusted to the pandemic.

With support from ACPE, a small group of ACPE colleagues have collaborated in the development of an IRB approved research study to explore how educators have adjusted their programs impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.  The specific aims of the study seek to identify how CPE educators may have pivoted to remote learning modalities, the strategies and resources utilized to make changes to the delivery of education, and their perceived readiness to make needed adjustments. 

You may access the survey using this link: https://redcap.link/covidcpe

The survey will include a consent form for your participation as well as all instructions for its completion. 

As an ACPE Certified Educator, Associate Certified Educator, or Certified Educator Candidate, you will also receive an email inviting your participation in the study.  You will be asked to complete an online survey of approximately 15 minutes.  You will be provided a link taking you directly to the survey.

We anticipate that the results will identify future needs for the delivery of remote learning and add to the conversation about the nature of spiritual care education.

Click here to read and share the study’s recruitment information.

Study Team Members:  David Fleenor, Beth Jackson-Jordan, Sarah Knoll-Sweeney, Kim Palmer, Csaba Szilagyi, and Lex Tartaglia.

If you have any questions, please contact Csaba Szilagyi at cszilag2@jhu.edu

Please share this study information with other educators who may be interested.