Certification Manual Updates
The Certification Commission is pleased to share the following updates/clarifications that have recently been added to the Certification Manual. If you have any questions related to these updates, please don’t hesitate to send us an email at certificationchair@acpe.edu.
- As a reminder, it is the applicant’s/CEC’s responsibility to complete the various competency assessment form for each phase of the Certification process. To do this properly, the applicant/CEC must include specific references to their materials in the “What/Where is Your Evidence?” part of each form. The reference should be hyperlinked to the specific document/video in the portfolio. A limitation of SharePoint only allows hyperlinking to a general document, so it is important to include the page number and paragraph location of the evidence where necessary. If linking to a video, be sure to specify the minute/second range of the video that you are referencing. Being specific in your reference enables the reviewer to easily locate and access your evidence and allows for you to be sure that the reviewer is reading the right thing!
- When a specific competency form is completed by the applicant/CEC, it is important to remember that the local ACPE Certified Educator must review, assess, and approve each competency on the assessment forms prior to reaching out to the Certification Commission Reviewer to set up a review. The ACPE Certified Educator should make comments in the Reviewer box indicating that they have done a thorough review. The purpose of the ACPE Certified Educator review is to ensure that they have determined that the applicant/CEC has provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate achievement of each competency.
- Evaluations for CECs in the Certification Process: Although ACPE no longer has units of Certified Education CPE, there is still a robust process of evaluation for CECs in their work. While evaluation is ongoing as the CEC works to demonstrate their achievement regarding the competencies, there is a formal component of evaluation as well. ACPE Certified Educators are required to write a formal evaluation for their CEC a minimum of every 6 months throughout the entire process, i.e. in both Phase I and Phase II. Formal evaluations may be written more often if desired. In addition to the ACPE Certified Educator’s evaluation, the CEC is required to write a self-evaluation to go along with each formal ACPE Certified Educator evaluation. Both evaluations should focus on the competencies that the CEC is actively pursuing. All these formal evaluations should also by uploaded into the CEC’s portfolio.
Cecilia Walker is the Chair of the Certification Commission. She may be reached at cecelia.walker@bhsala.com.