Barnes-Jewish Hospital

Saint Louis, MO


Donna Farrar

Contact Email

Why Choose Barnes-Jewish?

BJH is an ACPE accredited (1,200 bed) academic medical center in Saint Louis, MO affiliated with Washington University Medical School. The creative CPE curriculum may include topics such as social justice and intersectionality, spiritual assessment, stories and storytelling, crisis and trauma, cultural competency, behavioral sciences, literature, and the arts. Residents benefit from three ACPE Educators who are part of the Saint Louis Cluster. In the last unit of the residency year, residents will have an opportunity to work on the Common Competencies (with one of the certified educators at SSM Saint Louis University Health Care). 

ACPE Positions

Two fulltime Residency positions available beginning August 25, 2025-September 11, 2026 (Two second year residency positions are already filled.)

Interns – Extended Units

Dates Vary |  (Full through April 2025); two positions open for the Summer 2025 unit.

Resident Requirements

Resident-1 position requirements include, but are not limited to: ACPE Standard Application including all final evaluations from previous ACPE units, a Bachelor’s Degree, a Master’s Degree in a related field from a CHEA accredited institution, at least one prior successful unit of ACPE training with a score of 80% or better, (if CPE was taken prior to January 2024, Level One/Two evaluations are accepted), connection to a recognized faith group, a successful interview;  (Resident-2  Requirements- A minimum of 4 prior successful units of ACPE training - functioning at Level 2B (or Level II if taken prior to January 2024) in addition to the above requirements and a chosen focus for learning  - the 2025-2026 positions are filled for the 2025-2026 residency year.)

Intern Requirements

Include, but not limited to: ACPE Standard Application, a Bachelor’s degree, working on (or have) a Master’s degree in a related field from a CHEA accredited institution, faith group connection, and a successful interview 

Admissions Policy

The Resident program begins the last Monday in August (August 25, 2025) and ends the second Friday in September of the following year (September 11, 2026).

Applications are accepted year-round for interns and residents; apply now for the current residency year (2025-2026). For - Residents - stipends and access to healthcare insurance, vision, dental benefits, meal tickets, and PTO accrual

Summer 2025

Extended (2 Units)

No stipend or benefits - Two summer positions available (Beginning mid-to-late May 2025 ending in mid-August)

Resident Fees Application Fee: $50.00 (non-refundable); Acceptance Fee: $150.00 (non-refundable)
Intern Fees Application Fee: $50.00 (non-refundable); Acceptance Fee: $150.00 (non-refundable); Tuition $450.00 (Total $650.00) Partial scholarships may be available.

How to Apply:

Send the completed application electronically to:

Application fees will be discussed prior to an interview. Initial interviews may be conducted virtually and/or in-person.

For questions/concerns please contact:

Rev. Dr. Donna Farrar, Certified ACPE Educator
Barnes-Jewish Hospital – Spiritual Care Department
4590 Nash Way, Mailstop 90-29-922
Saint Louis, Missouri 63110
Phone: 314-747-5562

Barnes-Jewish Hospital is accredited by the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, 1 Concourse Way, Suite 800, Atlanta, Georgia 30328; Phone: 404-320-1472