Continuing Education certificates can be purchases through the online registration portal for $15.00 each.
Sessions eligible for credit hours have been noted within the description of the session. Participants who have registered for continuing education can earn up to 7.5 NBCC and 6 GAMFT continuing education hours.
- 1 contact hour form (to be completed at the end of the conference) and
- 1 participant evaluation per workshop.
Registration fees including the CE fee must be paid before a CE certificate is issued. Once all pieces are completed, participants can expect an electronic CE certificate to be emailed within a week after the conference.
ACPE: The Standard for Spiritual Care and Education is an NBCC Approved Continuing Education Providerâ„¢, ACEP No. 7004. ACPE is solely responsible for sponsored programs, including the awarding of NBCC credit. To facilitate the provision of continuing education credit when appropriate, the Psychotherapy Commission established the Continuing Education Policy

Questions? Contact Terry Izaguirre at terry.izaguirre@acpe.edu