Looking forward to being together again, but until then…

Written by Melissa Walker-Luckett

Melissa smiling at camera

Good Monday morning, friends. I hope that you, your families, and your programs are being diligent in observing suggested practices for containing the spread of the coronavirus and COVID-19. This is an exceedingly exhausting and disheartening time in our history. Many of us are experiencing a deepening malaise as the pandemic persists, systemic racism continues, our country remains divided with an election in less than 30 days, while our responsibilities at work and home do not relent. This calls for perseverance that some days seems too much to ask, too difficult to muster, or too elusive to find.

And yet, when we engage the beauty all around us and each other in caring and hopeful ways, we find the ability to move through these grinding days. First, it starts with us, right? Do something to remind yourself of the beauty in your world. For instance, last night I looked at the sky; the moon was full and the skies clear. Planets shone brighter than stars and the air smelt crisp. In Texas, high summer quickly transitions to a brief but beautiful fall. Intermittent waves of heat and dry weather will likely return, so it is all important that I allow myself the time to revel in the cool air, and the energy I gain from it. 

Have you called someone you wish you could see? Just call, it can be a quick interchange. Talking to a colleague and remembering a shared experience can cause you to feel connected. I stay connected to a friend from my training days while I drive to or from work. Just because we are not together in person doesn’t mean we can’t remain connected.

I hope you will also stay connected to ACPE. Please be assured that the work of the association is continuing. It is a busy fall!

  • If you are a Certified Educator or Associate Certified Educator, please participate in the Anti-Bias Task Force Survey. The deadline is this Wednesday, October 7, 2020. Data collected from the survey will drive the content of the 2021 annual conference. The Anti-Bias Task Force will reach out to psychotherapist members in future for their input. If you need a link to the survey, email Ruth McPhail Ubaldo.
  • Speaking of the 2021 annual conference, have you submitted a workshop application? Please consider sharing your talents and wisdom with your ACPE colleagues. Application submitted by October 9, 2020 will receive priority consideration. Learn more.
  • ACPE will elect new board members and commissioners, and vote on bylaws amendments in a couple weeks. Be attentive to your email and please VOTE.
  • Did you know the Foundation for ACPE will partner with the Chaplaincy Innovation Lab to provide resources to chaplains and educators, who are partnering with an administrator (staff member outside of their chaplaincy departments) to extend the work on the frontlines of COVID-19. The deadline to apply for an innovation grant is November 15, 2020. Learn more.
  • Similarly, an additional $15,000 is available to grant funds for innovative spiritually integrated psychotherapy projects. The deadline is November 1, 2020. Learn more.
  • Our association is blessed with dedicated members who devoted their life’s work to spiritual care, spiritual care education, and spiritually integrated psychotherapy. We are seeking nominations for the following awards: Distinguished Service Award, Helen Flanders Dunbar Award, Inspiration Award, Emerging Leader Award, and Emeritus ACPE Educator/Psychotherapist. Who do you think deserves special recognition? Nominations are due January 15, 2021. Learn more.
  • In December, ACPE will host another virtual town hall meeting. Unfortunately, we are still unable to gather in person, but ACPE is committed to maintaining connections. At the town hall, ACPE’s leadership will update the membership on the outcomes of the fall leadership meetings and plans for 2021. What do you want to hear from those serving in leadership? Please send me a note at Melissa.Walker-Luckett@childrens.com.

Our staff are busy and though we can’t be with them, they are working for us - you and me - daily.

The ACPE staff support our work with their expertise and commitment to our goals. John Roch supports the Board of Directors and is our Communications Director. Marc Medwed, Associate Executive Director, oversees our programs, curriculum development, and Anti-Bias Task Force. Sheilah Hawk, Certification Administrator, bolsters our candidates, Certification Commission, and its committees. Kimberly Yates, Accreditation Administrator, supports our Accreditation Commissioners, Centers, and Site Team members. Katherine Higgins, Director of Communities of Practice, is dedicated to our ongoing work with students, fellowship among ourselves, and growing our own expert spiritual care professionals and educators.

Ruth McPhail Ubaldo, Membership Engagement and Continuing Education Coordinator, works with our Psychotherapy Commission. Jasmine Okafor, Development Specialist, is busy working with our Foundation to grow our financial assets to provide grants to new and innovative programs. Jennifer Rocher, Sr. Accountant and Brandy Thompson, Accountant deftly steward our finances. Terry Izaguirre, Business Manager, Tiffany Kindred, Communications Specialist, and Carl Jones-Reid, Technology Specialist working with John Roch, Director of Communications comprise the capable team that oversees and assists in planning the annual conference and virtual platforms. They are just as eager to be together and fellowship again!

Trace Haythorn, Executive Director/CEO, is constantly, yes, I mean constantly attentive to the impact of ACPE in the overall landscape of theological education. We have a great staff! There is a lot happening. Curriculum is being built, educators are being certified, psychotherapists are introducing new programs, and centers are being supported.

ACPE staff are committed to us, to our work, and to the people we educate and serve. We are connected by our commitment to ACPE, to training women and men to be theological educators and psychotherapists, working to bring healing to an injured world. I hope you can reach out to the staff and say, “thank you.”

Eventually, we will be back together in person. I anticipate the first face-to-face gathering we have after our medical professionals curb the pandemic, will be a celebration of joy and community. ACPE’s leadership and staff are ready for us to be together again too! And, until then, know the staff think of you and how to support you daily. I am reminded every day how glad I am to be associated with YOU.


Rev. Melissa Walker-Luckett, ACPE Certified Educator at Children's Health Children's Medical Center Dallas in Dallas, TX, serves as Chair of the Board of Directors. She may be contacted at melissa.walker-luckett@childrens.com