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Since the creation of the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Community of Practice in June 2021, our focus has been to have a safe place for educators who self-identify as AAPI to share their stories and experiences in ACPE, learn together, and gain support from each other. We also realized that keeping our voices within our circle will not bring forward our authentic voices as we do our work or help our association understand us and our indigenous gifts.
Earlier this year, a small group of AAPI AAPI-certified educators applied and received a grant from the ACPE Foundation to survey AAPI educators, certified educator candidates, and students about their experiences in ACPE. By collecting and codifying their perspectives and experiences related to their racial and cultural identities in ACPE, we hope to identify patterns to help us develop tools, resources, and recommendations for our members and association. We plan to share some preliminary findings at the annual conference this year in Minneapolis. ACPE’s mission, vision, and values include fostering belonging, inclusion, and equity for all its members, and this study’s intention is to assist ACPE in doing that with and for its AAPI community.
If you have a new CEC or CES who self-identifies as AAPI, please encourage them to contact me, the AAPI CoP convener at hanadajulie@gmail.com. We have a monthly gathering for AAPI CECs and CESs. These sessions provide consultation with a focus on integrating their AAPI cultures and values into their formational process as educators. If you are an AAPI CE, CEC, or CES and would like to be on the AAPI CoP’s mailing list, please contact me. The future survey link will be shared directly with our AAPI CEs, CECs, and CESs.