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Stand at the crossroad and look; ask for ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. (Jeremiah 6:16)*
Robert Frost wrote a poem entitled: “The Road Not Taken” at a time in his life when he had decided that he needed to do something new. He rejected the road that the majority traveled and instead chose a less traveled path. I see a parallel for us: ACPE has always been on the less traveled path… that takes us along often bumpy and hilly terrain and brings us to creative spaces that we would have missed had we followed an easier path. ACPE is filled with faithful people who want to be challenged. To have arrived at the places we are in our lives… each of us has had to make some tough choices… choosing paths that were not always clear or popular but discovering the paths illuminated by the Creator for the good of our souls and those that we would impact.
As we enter a New Year with opportunities that will stretch, sustain, and strengthen us, I turn to the One I rely on; who knows the end at the beginning. I am asking for guidance for each of us as we journey with students and clients. We ended last year with anxiety that began to be tempered by hope, which calmed our fears and reminded us of the fact that the members of ACPE are resilient, responsive, and resourceful. We have what it takes to build upon our strong foundation to have a renewed and deeper appreciation for our Association. Being the Gold Standard of Spiritual Care is not just a slogan; it is a calling to each of us, individually and collectively, to live into the challenges we face as we intentionally evolve into what is needed in each area we serve.
Blessings Always and in All Ways,
*(passage corrected from originally published article)