
ACPE Foundation Mission
The mission of the ACPE Foundation is to secure funding that supports the mission and promotes innovative developments of the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc (ACPE). The foundation is responsible for development of financial resources, management of the endowment and safeguarding of ACPE assets.

My CPE experience has been life-changing, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Unbeknownst to me, I never thought my CPE residency was destined to cross paths with this unprecedented pandemic.  However, I feel peaceful, content and believe that my ministry has made a difference at Christus Health.  With God’s help, I have been able to stay focused on my ministry and calling, not crippled by fear or panic due to this invisible enemy.  CPE has surpassed my expectations in all areas of ministry, especially during this critical time.

The CPE journey during COVID-19 was an experience filled with several months of both hard work and reward.  The knowledge I have gained utilizing the clinical method of learning is something I could not have learned from a textbook.  Instead, human documents (patients, associates, and their families) continue to teach me so much as I engage with them on a day-to-day basis.  It is important to note that spiritual care is available to associates at every level of the workforce located on-site.  

In 2020, COVID-19 has affected every aspect of daily operations at Christus Spohn in Corpus Christi, Texas.  Specifically, as a Chaplain Resident, social distancing has modified how I meet with my Educator and peers for class on a weekly basis.  CPE classroom instruction and one-on-one supervisory sessions are conducted utilizing Zoom Conferencing.  Also, patient rounds have made me aware of an increase in anxiety and worry in associates stemming from COVID-19 concerns.  The anxiety is real and can affect their emotional well-being.  

As a result, and as a way to make an emotional connection with associates, I allow more time for reflective listening as I make patient rounds.  I am amazed by the sincere gratitude and appreciation for my interest in them and their families.  For example, an associate stopped me in the hallway and asked if I would pray with her.  I provided empathic listening and support.  I also prayed with her as she requested.  The associate thanked me for making time to address her concerns. 

Working with my own anxiety, at times, requires I utilize resources to fall back on to ensure I am pro-active in my own self-care.  For example, silent meditation, which is introduced into the CPE syllabus, is a great tool that helps maintain resilience during these stressful times.  I also incorporate tapping into my daily self-care practice to lower anxiety and stress.  Anxiety can affect our entire being—body, soul, and spirit.  According to Tapping expert Nick Ortner, “Tapping meditations begin to rewire our brain to release anxiety and stress.”  The Tapping Solution App can be easily downloaded to your iPhone.  Christus Health’s EAP (Employee Assistance Program) is another great resource and is made available 24/7.  Last, setting aside time to read motivational materials, going for an evening walk with my husband, watching a romantic comedy, or just sitting on my back patio to reflect a bit deeper on my day can make a positive impact on how I am feeling.  Self-care is a personal choice.  It is up to me to take care of myself so that I may effectively minister to others.

I believe CPE has positively affected the way I will serve in ministry moving forward--wherever I serve.  Assessing my ethnic language, the following is a prayer of blessing:

Padre Celestial, te agradezco por la fuerza y la sabiduría que me has dado durante este viaje de un año a través de CPE. Siempre apreciaré los tiempos sagrados del ministerio que experimenté y compartí en Christus Spohn. Hoy, hago una oración especial de bendición para todos nuestros pacientes, asociados y sus familias. Permítales sentir consuelo y paz durante estos tiempos difíciles de dolor y pérdida como resultado del COVID-19.  Agradezco tu paz que sobrepasa todo entendimiento humano. Oro todo esto en el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Te doy toda la gloria, el honor y la alabanza por siempre. Amén.

The Rev. Dr. Herlinda H. Camarillo is a Chaplain Resident in the Spiritual Care Department at Christus Spohn Health System in Corpus Christi, Texas. She can be reached at