Review Request Form for NBCC Hours


Important: Please review the following policy before submitting your request form and materials.

  1. In order to offer NBCC hours for a continuing education program, members should collaborate with the Continuing Education Taskforce on the design and implementation of events.
  2. For all programs planned in collaboration with ACPE, materials should be submitted to ACPE’s Membership Engagement and Continuing Education Coordinator for review no later than 60 days prior to the event in order to offer NBCC hours.
  3. All events offering CE credit will be asked to charge a minimum of $15 per attendee requesting CE certificates. ACPE staff and the Psychotherapy Commission will collaborate with members involved in program planning to determine additional member and non-member event rates.
  4. If materials are submitted for review later than 60 days prior to the event, a “rush fee” of $100 should also be submitted.
  5. NBCC hours cannot be offered through ACPE for any event whose materials are submitted for review less than 60 days prior to the event.

Requester Information

Requests for permission to offer NBCC credit will only be reviewed for ACPE members.
  • 1 Step 1
  • 2 Step 2

  • 1 Step 1
  • 2 Step 2

include licenses and degrees

Upload a resume or CV

This field is required

Presenter 1

Upload a resume or CV

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Presenter 2

Upload a resume or CV

This field is required

Presenter 3

According to NBCC policy, the program content cannot be solely or primarily designed or intended for: professions other than professional counseling; the general public; paraprofessional counselors; or, any other individuals engaged in counseling or other mental health activities who are not graduate-level professional counselors.

Is the facility ADA compliant?

Briefly describe your plan for verifying attendance

Upload program agenda

This field is required

a draft version is acceptable

I have reviewed the Continuing Education Policy and consent to comply to the policy.