ACPE Ethics Manual Changes
The ACPE Board approved changes to the ACPE Professional Ethics Manual of Directors at their December 11, 2024 meeting. These changes were made to clarify the authority of the Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) and the ethics complaint process in cases when violations of the Code of Professional Ethics might result in withdrawal of certification and/or membership. Additionally, some wording was changed to provide clarity in the manual. The current ACPE Professional Ethics Manual shows these changes.
Please review the changes below and with the hyperlinks.
- Under Fact Finding/Hearing Panel, V.6. was added to outline the process when the Hearing Panel recommends withdrawal of certification and/or membership.
- Under Fact Finding/Hearing Panel, the addition of when an appeal can be made was inserted in V.5.
- The word “Commission” deleted and replaced with “PEC”: While it may seem obvious in the Profession Ethics Manual that the word commission would refer to the Professional Ethics Commission, due to the shared complaint process with educational complaints there are references to the Accreditation Commission. So, the term commission was removed and the specific commissions named.
- Hearing Panel determines that a violation of the Code of Professional Ethics occurred and can outline sanctions up to suspension. The Hearing Panel makes a recommendation for withdrawal of certification and/or membership because the case then proceeds to a final review panel which will make a final determination.
Please review the changes in these sections in the Professional Ethics Manual.
XIII. Hearing Panel - Fact-Finding and Determination of Findings
XIV. Notification of Findings and Action for Hearing & Appeals Process
XV. Appeal Process
XVI. Sanction Review
Thank you for your questions, comments, and concerns about ethics standards or the complaint process. They help us identify ways to improve and better serve you and our association.
Julie Hanada, ACPE Certified Educator Emerita
ACPE Professional Ethics Commission, Chair