Certification Updates

Written by Cam Holzer, ACPE Certification Chair

It was great seeing and hearing from so many CECs and Certified Educators at our overview of the revised competencies sessions last month. Our newly revised competencies and options for transitioning to them are in the link below.

D. Introduction to the Certified Educator Competencies - ACPE Manuals - 2025

Our third annual CEC Pre-Conference Event will take place on Sunday, May 18th, from 12 pm to 6 pm, and Monday, May 19th, from 9 am to 1 pm. All CECs are encouraged to participate in this remarkable opportunity to connect with fellow CECs and Certification Commissioners from across the nation for consultation and support. 

This year’s pre-conference features the inaugural Phase II CEC training, “Introduction to Organizational Leadership in Clinical Pastoral Education,” provided in collaboration with ACPE Certified Educators LaVera Crawley, Csaba Szilagyi, and the innovative professional development resource, Transforming Chaplaincy. Although specifically designed for those in Phase II, CECs nearing the completion of Phase I who have finished the Theory Integration component of their training may also participate. The theoretical framework for this introductory training is based on the National Center for Healthcare Leadership Competency Model 3.0, which serves as the foundation for the book Healing Our Future: Leadership for a Changing Health System by Andrew Garman (Berrett-Koehler, 2022). Participating CECs are encouraged to obtain a copy and read as much of the text as possible in advance and to register for this training no later than April 18 (Registration Form).

If you have questions or concerns unique to your process as a CEC about these events or other components of your training, please get in touch with your Certification Commission Reviewer (CCR).

In the coming years, we will likely participate in some of the biggest social changes many of us have seen in our lifetimes. Our healthcare systems stand to play a significant role in the many adaptive changes we need to make to heal our future.  I hope you take this book as an invitation to help lead us there (Garman, text cited above, p 4).

Cam Holzer

ACPE Chair of Certification