"We Belong Here” – A Study to Understand AAPI Experiences in ACPE

Written by Julie Hanada, ACPE Educator Emerita

Filed under: News

ACPE Certified Educators, Certified Educator Candidates, and Certified Educator Students who self-identify as AAPI are invited to participate in this study to explore their learning and professional experiences relevant to their racial and cultural identities in ACPE.

The study’s goals:

  1. Explore participants’ lived experiences of belonging, educational development, microaggressions, stereotypes, and discrimination related to their racial and cultural identities in ACPE.
  2. Explore participants’ experiences with professional development and movement into leadership roles within ACPE.
  3. Elicit participants’ recommendations regarding (a) other educators working with AAPI individuals in Level 1, 2 CPE units and the certification process and (b) the ACPE organization to foster belonging, inclusion, and equity for AAPI members.

The project has two parts: an online survey and an interview. While there is an option to do only the survey, you are encouraged to participate in both. 1) The anonymous survey may take about 30 minutes, and it will give us the best collective data to help us understand your experiences. 2) The qualitative interview may take up to 90 minutes, and it is meant to capture examples and specific recommendations related to your survey responses and experiences. You will have the opportunity to sign up for the optional interviews at the end of this survey.

Click here to take the survey: AAPI Experiences in ACPE

The study was reviewed by the Rush University Medical Center Institutional Review Board (IRB) and determined to be an exempt study with no more than minimal risk to participants. Participation in this study is voluntary. Your privacy and confidentiality will be safeguarded throughout the process.

This research project team is a small group of ACPE AAPI Certified Educators who received a grant from ACPE’s Foundation earlier this year. Please contact Julie Hanada, the project leader, at hanadajulie@gmail.com or Csaba Szilagyi, the researcher, at Csaba_Szilagyi@rush.edu if you have any questions.

[1] The title is taken from Sandra Oh’s statement in an LA Times interview. She remembers the moments after the Atlanta shooting in 2021, when she could no longer be a bystander in Philadelphia where she was shooting a new Netflix original, “The Chair.” She decided to attend a small #StopAsianHate rally where she was compelled to speak. At the end, she started a chant that instantly went viral, “I am proud to be Asian. I belong here.”