A Few updates and Thoughts for my ACPE Colleagues
Director of Member Engagement Position
Like you, for several years, I have waited to see the fruition of the strategic plan. Like you too, I wondered if we would ever get to the end of it… so many disruptions, namely COVID-19, exit of staff persons, etc. The business meeting at our Annual Conference was energizing and reinvigorated my hope. During the meeting, we said words that you have probably heard enough to be suspicious… “we are listening; we hear you,” … but your Board, Executive Director, and staff were listening and have continued to work hard to move from vision to reality.
The posting of the Director of Member Engagement is a promise being kept. I hope those of you with passion and compassion for our Membership and the required skills will prayerfully consider applying. We hear you and want to create an infrastructure that will make ACPE more connected internally and externally. In a world that is so technologically driven, it is vital that we maintain and develop our human touch, and the creation of this position is an effort to bring us closer, though we may be physically far away.
ACPE, it’s election time again! As you are aware, our organization depends heavily upon volunteers. I’m so grateful for every person who has offered themselves to serve. Your votes are your way of participating in the future of ACPE. Please exercise your right to vote and back it up with your support of those elected to leadership as we march toward the 100th Anniversary of CPE. Be on the lookout for the ballots that will be emailed via SimplyVoting. You can take a look at the election slate here.
Last but certainly not least, my heart hurts because of all the horrific experiences that our sisters and brothers are enduring around the world - those of human origin and natural disasters. My article is a week late because I was going through personal challenges last week. Still, I want to acknowledge that there has not been a day since October 7, 2023, that I have not prayed for all of the lives devasted and permanently disrupted by the actions that occurred that day and continue to this day.
Additionally, I am grieving with those whose lives have been taken and whose homes and communities were destroyed by the recent hurricanes, Beryl, Debby, Helene, and Milton. I know what it’s like to have someone I love snatched away in a moment. I also know how it feels to have property destroyed by a storm and my community reduced to rubble.
Every loss of any human diminishes all of us because their light, creativity, joy, and contributions are no longer physically here. I am sure Members are experiencing challenges and losses that we don’t know about, solidifying our need for the Director of Membership Engagement. Still, there is no way that one person can learn all that is happening without the help of the Membership. I invite each of us to aim to be in touch with one another beyond the few gathering opportunities and keep the body informed of celebrations and sorrows impacting our members.
Holding you all in my heart and prayers, I leave you with some words from Alicia Keyes’ song, “Like It’s My Last Time.”
I don't want to forget the present is a gift
And I don't want to take for granted
Time you may have here with me
'Cause Lord only knows another day
Here is not really guaranteed
So, every time you hold me
Hold me like this is the last time
Every time you kiss me
Kiss me like you'll never see me again
Every time you touch me
Touch me like this is the last time
Promise that you'll love me
Love me like you'll never see me again
Blessings Always and in All Ways,
Rev. Dr. Cecelia Walker is a Certified Educator at The Ingalls Center of Pastoral Ministries in the Baptist Health System. She is currently serving as Chair of the ACPE Board of Directors and can be reached at Cecelia.Walker@orlandohealth.com.