
Written by Lynnett Glass


Merriam-Webster Definition:

1) an act, instance, or time of commencing (beginning)

2) the ceremonies or the day for conferring degrees or diplomas


Greetings ACPE,

I am truly delighted to share my first editorial with you as the Executive Director/CEO of this beloved and remarkable organization. In just over two months’ time, I have met so many of you, either virtually or in person, during our wonderful conference in Pittsburgh, and time and time again, I have been deeply moved by the passion and devotion you each express for ACPE and the impactful work done in its name.  As I have mentioned before, both CPE and therapy helped to heal and change my life for the better. I simply would not be the woman I am today if not for either. For this great work alone, I count it a tremendous blessing and honor to serve ACPE and the Foundation in this esteemed capacity.

Recently, during a morning devotion, I listened as a local Atlanta (GA) minister lovingly reflected on his twin daughters’ high school graduation this spring. Of particular note were his musings over the term commencement. While beaming proudly from his seat at the event, he observed this word printed on every program and celebratory item. This word, he noted, not only named the ceremony but also served as a reminder of the moment. Although they had gathered to recognize the end of the early academic journey for the graduates, they were also witnessing (again) their first steps as the former students embarked upon a new season in life. This next era would require them to tap into new dimensions of mental and emotional fortitude to function at the higher level of college, employment, and, most certainly, adulthood would necessitate of them. This striking point made me think of ACPE and the new beginning we are embarking upon together as an organization.

In my remarks during the annual membership meeting, I shared how ACPE, in my eyes, is emerging from a wilderness experience. I also shared that if we are mindful while traveling through, we can emerge from such experiences stronger and wiser due to the various resources cultivated and sharpened along the way.  As no conversation held to date has missed the opportunity to reflect upon the impact of ACPE’s recent past and lift up sincere desires for our future based on lessons learned, this remains my perspective.

It is my hope that you each feel seen and heard by our Board of Directors, commissions, committees, and staff as we work to embark upon the new direction indicated by our new strategic plan. Your primary concerns, including those related to essential processes, recent changes by the federal government, and the overall ability to gather more meaningfully again, are all top of mind for us.

There is much transformative work ahead. As we look to design solutions, we understand creative tensions may exist at various junctures. Continuing to hold critical conversations with decency and compassion will allow us to move forward with a clear resolve and ultimately take our next steps in unity and with confidence.

I look forward to working alongside each of you to ensure ACPE emerges refreshed, revived, and renewed; ready to meet the spiritual and mental health care needs of today’s world.

Thank you in advance for your continued grace, patience and understanding as we all commence this new season together.

With sincere hope, respect, and admiration,


Lynnett R. Glass

ACPE Executive Director/CEO


Lynnett Glass is ACPE's Executive Director. She can be reached at