Happy New Year!

Written by Shawn Mai, ACPE Board Chair

Filed under: News

Happy New Year, ACPE members and friends!  The page turns from 2022 to 2023, and we are reminded once again of the passage of time, the gift of a vital mission we share, and the possibilities our transformational work brings.   This time in ACPE’s life attunes me to generative energy.  Here is why I say that: 

Survey and focus groups

We received great feedback through the survey and focus groups this fall.   Through the support of our LaPiana colleagues, the strategic planning committee has culled through the information and is working on a second survey to move us toward a deeper understanding of our strategic direction.  This phase will also involve a second round of focus groups.

Psychotherapy Work Group

We are several years into the consolidation of AAPC and ACPE.  Along with the strategic plan, the board thought this was a good time to assemble a work group to reflect on various aspects of the consolidation.  The workgroup will begin looking at the documents from the original process, ways the consolidation has gone well, cultural considerations of a merger, and fiscal concerns.

Welcome Robin

Robin Haithco Brown began her role as Interim Executive Director on December 1.  This allowed for overlap time between Trace and her to ensure a smooth transition.  Trace has assembled a strong staff and was quite helpful in capturing operational considerations for his successor.  Click here to learn more about Robin and her ACPE Interim Executive Director role. 

Search Committee

The ACPE Board and Executive Committee began work on assembling a search committee at its December board meeting.  We are working with Emory University Human Resources as ACPE utilizes Emory for its human resource needs.  High value for the board and executive committee is a diverse, astute, and nimble committee.  We will need an Executive Director who understands ACPE’s work, knows how to run a successful non-profit, and is stellar at leading our effective staff.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about all the facets of ACPE that run because of an engaged membership.  I feel gratitude for all the folks running our Accreditation, Certification, and Psychotherapy work.  Committees, work groups, site teams, certification panels, and dedicated individuals put a lot of time and effort into each task.  The infusion of energy that is expended by our membership is awe-inspiring.  Please know that I am aware that I’ve used a fair number of superlatives in this article.  There is some Enneagram 3 energy, optimistic parts, and personal observations from whence those superlatives come.  ACPE is richly blessed!