Want to get more involved in ACPE? Looking for Leadership Development Opportunities? Submit a Nomination TODAY!

Written by Cecelia Walker, Leadership Development Committee Chair

Filed under: Featured, News

The Leadership Development Committee (LDC) invites you to consider serving in one of the open leadership positions in 2023. Nominations are open now for ACPE’s fall election. The deadline to submit a nomination is September 23, 2022.

Complete the Leadership Nomination Application

The following positions are elected by the membership:

Board of Directors:

  • Director (3 positions)


  • Chair-elect (1 position)
  • Commissioner (3 positions)


  • Chair-elect (1 position)
  • Commissioner (5 positions)

Professional Ethics:

  • Commissioner (2 positions)


Psychotherapy Commission:

  • Commissioner (3 positions)

Finance and Audit Committee:

  • Member (1 position)

Leadership Development Committee:

  • Member (2 positions)

In addition to the above-elected positions, the board appoints members of the following committees. Committees provide opportunities for members who have interests in specific areas to develop their leadership skills and dive more deeply into work that can impact the whole association. They are as follows:


  • Member (3 positions)


Curriculum/Educational Resources:

  • Member (2 positions)


International Relations:

  • Chair-elect (1 position)
  • Member (3 positions)

Professional Well-Being:

  • Member (3 positions)


  • Member (3 positions

If you have questions about elections or would like more specific information about a committee, commission, or board, please reach out directly to members of those groups, review their descriptions in our governance manual, or contact a member of the Leadership Development Committee.

Important Election Dates (Revised Schedule):

Close Nominations: September 23, 2022
Slate Published: October 17, 2022
Polls Open: October 26, 2022
Polls Close: November 9, 2022
Election Results Published: November 14, 2022
ACPE Board Ratifies Election Results: December 14, 2022
ACPE Board Appoints Committee Assignments: December 14, 2022
New Leadership Terms Begin: January 1, 2023

Complete the Leadership Nomination Application

ACPE Certified Educator Cecelia Walker is the Chair of the Leadership Development Committee. She can be reached at cecelia.walker@bhsala.com