Rev. Dr. Danielle J. Buhuro is the new ACPE Co-Editor for Reflective Practice

The Editorial Board is pleased to announce our new ACPE Co-Editor, Rev. Dr. Danielle J. Buhuro, working alongside the Rev. Dr. Matthew Floding, ATFE Co-Editor. Rev. Dr. Buhuro and the Rev. Dr. Floding bring years of supervisory training as well as connections to a wide variety of practitioners in the field of supervised spiritual care. Each is excited to join the process of producing high quality writing and reflecting on this work. They look forward to working together as a team to continue the creative and visionary work that the Reflective Practice Journal has offered throughout the years. We thank the Rev. Nancy Wood, who has served for the past two+ years in this role. The Board extends our gratitude for Nancy’s splendid work and dedication
Rev. Dr. Danielle J. Buhuro is Executive Director and CPE Supervisor of Sankofa CPE Center, LLC, which offers innovative online Clinical Pastoral Education programming along with unique social justice-oriented clinical work settings, and prepares clergy chaplains for board certification. Dr. Buhuro is passionate about issues of race, gender and sexuality. She is author of Spiritual Care In An Age of #BlackLivesMatter: Examining the Spiritual and Prophetic Needs of African Americans

Living In A Violent America. Rev. Dr. Danielle J. Buhuro also serves as a CPE Supervisor at Advocate Aurora South Suburban, Trinity and Christ Hospitals in Chicago, Illinois.
Dr. Buhuro attended Chicago Theological Seminary, where she earned the Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees respectively. She currently is a Ph.D. student studying social media identity, violence and pastoral theology. Dr. Buhuro serves on the national board of directors of the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education. She facilitates numerous workshops nation-wide on African American Pastoral Care and African-centered psychology.
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