Almost Mid-Year (Almost)

Written by Jonathan Paul Leonard Sr. M.Div, M.A.

Filed under: News

Lets take this moment to reflect

A moment of light introspect

Here we are, nearing the middle of this year

Not calendar year, but an academic year


Pushing through tears and fears

We pierced a sphere

Learning goals unfold as we become more bold

From rapids to blues

Some stemis and 922’s

Consults and staff superstitions

We are learning to trust our own intuition


But this learning ain’t happening high up in a spire,

We learning here on the ground,

In the midst of a virus that has our whole nation on fire!


The weight can be heavy

The drain can make it hard to sustain,

But the Lord’s invitation is for us to remain


And Christ’s promises are no mere theory,

Come to him to those who are weary


For he will give you rest in the midst of this test

Even when you struggle and try to do your best.

This original poem was submitted by Jonathan Leonard. Jonathan is an ACPE Chaplain Resident at Baylor Scott & White Health Medical Center – Temple. He can be reached at