For your professional ethics edification in June

Once a month the ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a couple of statements from our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members. Each posting is accompanied by a brief personal reflection from a member of the PEC discussing some ways this person lives these commitments*.
For June, Julie Hanada, ACPE Certified Educator, Seattle, WA, shares the resources listed from the Certification Phase II Core Curriculum.
- Taking Care: Monitoring Power Dynamics and Relational Boundaries in Pastoral Care & Counseling, by Carrie Doehring.
- “Reconsidering Supervision as an Ethical Endeavor” by David McCurdy, in Courageous Conversations: The Teaching and Learning of Pastoral Supervision, edited by William R. DeLong. Pages 151-188
- Ethics at the Bedside by Charles M. Culver
- Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions (Illinois Institute of Technology)
- Protecting the Profession: Professional Ethics in the Classroom by Troy Hutchins, ETS
- Teaching Race: Pedagogy and Practice, by Amie Thurber et. al. Vanderbilt Center for Teaching
- “A Complementary Approach to Promoting Professionalism: Identifying, Measuring and Addressing Unprofessional Behaviors” by G. Hickson et al. in Academic Medicine vol.82 (11), November 2007
- The IAT Bias Test: Implicit Association Test for checking on a wide range of biases.
- Derald Wing Sue on Micro-Aggressions
- Examples of Microaggressions
The PEC highly recommends that all ACPE Certified Educators view the Certification Phase II Core Curriculum Professional Ethics video for their ethical self-awareness, self-reflection, and supervisory practice. The video is about 42 minutes long.
To access the video:
- Log in to the ACPE website.
- From your Sharepoint page:
- Hover on the “Educator Certification” tab, on the far right you will see “Core Curriculum Phase II”, and click on “Professional Ethics”.
- Click on the YouTube video of “Professional Ethics: Certification Process Core Curriculum Module Phase II”.
The video slides are available below the video link. The video shares some of the wisdom we have gained from reflecting on our experiences in professional ethics as an association. We trust it will be valuable for all educators in our ongoing process of reflecting on the practicalities of ethics in our CPE work.
*Every situation is unique, and any member should not act based solely on the comments in the article but to base action on an independent review of the ethical standards applicable to his/her situation.