ACPE and APC will host the 2022 Joint Annual Conference virtually

Written by Melissa Walker-Luckett

Melissa smiling at camera

While scouting locations and reviewing hotel contract proposals for the Joint 2022 Annual Conference with APC, the joint planning committee grew concerned about the safety, cost, and logistics of hosting an in-person event this spring. With a deep sense of sadness, the committee recommended to the board that we host the 2022 Joint Annual Conference virtually. Their rationale is:

  • We cannot obtain insurance to protect the organizations and our members for a face-to-face meeting.
  • The logistics of a face-to-face meeting are cost-prohibitive (e.g., distancing, room sizes, hand sanitizers, masking, meals, sleeping rooms, etc.).
  • We can better plan and develop a meaningful event if we invest in a virtual meeting platform early.
  • Unlike 2019, hotel contracts no longer allow a force majeure for COVID19.

The board agreed with the committee’s rationale and decided to suspend funding for in-person meetings until June 2022. We discussed possibly hosting a face-to-face event in the fall if health conditions improve. I am sure many of you share my disappointment. We know this feels heavy, but we must prioritize the safety and health of our members and association. I appreciate the planning committee’s leadership and energy for planning a virtual conference well.

In the meantime, please pray for those places – many of which are served by our members - who have no ICU beds, more people coming through their doors every day, and fewer and fewer emotional reserves to face this crisis.

Rev. Melissa Walker-Luckett, ACPE Certified Educator at Children's Health Children's Medical Center Dallas in Dallas, TX, serves as Chair of the Board of Directors. She may be contacted at