For your professional ethics edification in August
Once a month the ACPE Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a couple of statements from our Code of Professional Ethics for ACPE Members. Each posting is accompanied by a brief personal reflection from a member of the PEC discussing some ways this person lives these commitments.*
In relation to ACPE, members:
- Speak on behalf of ACPE or represent the official position of ACPE only as authorized by the ACPE governing body.
- Do not make any intentionally false, misleading, or incomplete statements about their work or ethical behavior.
Rev. Dr. Karl Van Harn, ACPE Certified Educator from Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services in Grand Rapids, Michigan, comments:
These two statements remind me of the power of words. Words carry meaning. They affect others. They connect us with others and therefore affect our relationships. Truth telling is essential for building trust and developing community. Falsehoods or smear words break down trust and erode our relationships. I consider ACPE one of my communities. As an ACPE member these ethics statements encourage me to watch how I use my words in a couple of important ways.
First, I need to understand and clearly state “the official position” of ACPE when I am asked. If I have my own opinion or position on a matter, I will state it as mine and distinguish it from that of ACPE. In this way, I support our association as a community where honest, truthful conversations can occur, while also respecting myself and maintaining my integrity.
Second, I need to watch my intention when I speak, so I neither puff up myself to look better than who I am, nor diminish myself to be less than who I am, nor manipulate others’ perceptions of me for dishonest gain. If I use my words in any of these ways, I risk others not knowing me, trusting me, or being able to work with me. My ACPE colleagues, CPE students, hospital patients and staff, and faith group members expect that ACPE members will be trustworthy and contribute to their communities and the offering of competent spiritual care.
*Every situation is unique, and any member should not act based solely on the comments in the article but to base action on an independent review of the ethical standards applicable to his/her situation.