We Want to Hear from Our Members: How Can the Foundation for ACPE Support a Student Equity & Access Initiative?

Written by Ardella Gibson, 2021 Annual Campaign Chair

Ardella looking at camera

What an exciting time to witness such historic transitions in our organization.  We are poised to address multifaceted social upheaval in ways that provide a transformative, yet practical impact on our communities, even our world.  What will we do as an organization to seize the opportunity presented to us? 

After a year of coping with the realities of COVID-19, are we sensitized to the shifts taking place in our more conventional settings?  The demands being placed on professional practitioners of psychotherapy and chaplaincy are unprecedented.  This seems like a conducive environment to attract more diverse talent to our organization as we prepare to address the needs of our communities.  With the evolution of the need(s), we are invited (even admonished) to accept the challenge and adapt as a thriving organization, making a relevant impact on a strained world.  Some of the challenges that have been noted around our organization range from educating our communities about spiritual support and chaplaincy to funding for organizations to have programming in their institutions and further, access to ACPE accredited centers.  Much of our “consumer base” is not aware of the “type” of accreditation and certification necessary to reach their future goals.  Is there an esoteric essence of the ACPE that contributes to these challenges? 

Attracting more diverse talent to our organization is the opportunity we have before us in this socially charged climate that we are experiencing in communities of color, and throughout this nation.  Students of psychotherapy and clinical pastoral education need us to see the obstacles that deter them from being attracted to our profession. As an equitable organization, what kind of incentives can we consider helping address the hindrances that would deter talent from the ACPE?  As we begin to sound the “clarion call” for 2021 and 2022, let us continue this conversation to design a Student Equity & Access Initiative. Your gifts to the Foundation for ACPE can support this work. Conversations of this nature may help us to address who we are as an organization and how we desire to be realized in our world. 

The Foundation for ACPE wants to hear from you. As ACPE continues the work of antiracism, diversity, equity and inclusion, what issues should be considered to create a diverse pipeline of spiritual care professionals, including those from underrepresented groups? 

Contact  foundation@acpe.edu for more information or Make a Gift Today 

Ardella Gibson is the 2021 Annual Campaign Chair and can be reached at amgibson5@aol.com