
Written by Miguel Santamaria

Miguel looking at cameraI feel hurt; I feel mistreated,

wrongly accused and misunderstood.

Being patient? I’m not in the mood

It’s not my fault? This is too much!

Why do I hear such big reproach?

I was just trying to help

I noticed your pain, I heard a yelp.

Attempting to care and now I’m blamed

I feel unseen and rather shamed

I barely hear you feel the same.

Damn, how did this happen?

How did we get here?

Things feel distressing and very unclear

And I believe we are both sincere

I’m afraid we are stuck

Cutting off is not an option

How can this get any motion?

We must trudge this heavy muck

Perhaps going back, to this unpack?

Let’s take a breath and try again

You start to share and I’ll try to listen

I’ll try to capture what I am missing

And when you do the same for me,

Maybe we will begin our needed healing.

Rev. Miguel Santamaria is a Certified Educator at Morton Plant Hospital and can be reached at Miguel.Santamaria@baycare.org